Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Congratulations, you made it over the hump! You woke up feeling well, tackled the day with vigor, and  made it back home safe & sound. (at least I sure hope so). Now, it's what I call cozy time, wind down time, reflect and recharge time. Ahhh!

So, today I came home to a mailbox full of miscellaneous stuff. But to my surprise, tucked in between my Verizon bill and Bloomingdale's coupon booklet was a postcard from a friend. Now, I rarely receive personalized mail, unless it's my birthday or Christmas. So, it's a real treaure when I receive something handwritten and picked out just for me on an ordinary day. I appreciate my friend for taking the time during her travels to write me a note, buy postage, and mail it. Yay!  This was one of my highs of the day. My first postcard from Argentina! 

Don't firsts give you a little high?  Firsts are always special, to me, they stand out in my memories. Sometimes, it takes me a while to get the courage to ever get to a "first." However, ususally when I arrive at that first, it feels pretty terrific. The more firsts I can create the more colorful my life. It's a bit like trying new things. Exploring and being open to life, right?
Anyhoo, here are a few of my favorites firsts. I hope you will share some of yours too, pretty please. :-0)

*My first time making my grandma Johnson proud. I was 6 years old (I think) and it was in Sunday School class. Grandma was one of the teachers. Our assignment was to learn all the books of the Bible and recite them. I did and it made grandma so happy! Even as I recollect on this experience, it gives me butterflies and I get a little sentimental. I remember grandma gave me $2 for knowing all the books of the Bible. She still remembers this too. It makes my mom laugh when she talks about it. :-)

*A first (and last) that was totally awesome was the senior year talent show at Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School.  I always wanted to sing on stage--like a Supremes/En Vogue type group. lol. So I thought the talent show - my senior year - would be my final chance to go for it. I asked two great girlfriends, Aronica and Janet, to join me and we did it. I put together a medley of oldies but goodies including "My Guy" and "I'll be There," and we practiced our songs and moves day in and day out until the show. When I heard the applause after our performance, I got chills. It was the best feeling ever! I still ask Aronica, who is now the Guidance Counselor at DFA if she can find the video of that show. I would love to view it now. I know I'd get a big giggle from it.

*Last year, I had an amazing first. I went to Washington, DC to my first Presidential Inauguration. I didn't care how cold it was that day, I was determined to be there, in person, to see our first brown president be sworn into office. I remember walking the National Mall among thousands of people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds. I wanted to get as close to the stage of the sacred ceremony as possible. I remember standing in the below freezing temps, shoulder to shoulder with my fellow Americans, for at least 4 hours. I am not a fan of cold weather, however, that day I didn't let it ruin my excitement and gratefulness for what was taking place. I was thrilled to be a part of history. Now, when I see various newspaper or magazine photos of that day capturing the sea of people who attended, I know I'm in there somewhere. And I feel good!

I could go on for days with my firsts, but I'll save some for later. :0)
It's nice to sit back and take in the joy of these experiences, sometimes.
There are still a plethora of firsts I have yet to make happen, some small like parasailing and some big like giving birth. All in all, I believe whatever I truly, deeply believe, and put my efforts and energy into, will come to pass at just the right time.

----Oh, forgot to mention, that I am a first! Firstborn that is. Firstborn child to my parents. Firstborn grandbaby to both sets of grandparents. First niece. Etc. etc. I do believe that birth order does have an affect on how I go about things in life too. I may blog about that one day.  

Have a peaceful Wednesday night. Sending all good thoughts your way. Your turn! :-)

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