Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Monday, March 26, 2012

What are you in awe of?

Hi there!
It's been a heck of a week, but I'm so blessed! I just read an inspirational blog that said to end each complaint with "but, I'm so blessed." Which is actually something I remember learning as a child, probably from my grandma or someone teaching me about believing/faith/being grateful in all things. However, I'm learning I am always receiving reminders of things I knew already but temporarily have failed to practice.

Anyhoo, I've been in awe the last few days of the human body. After a weekend in the hospital with the hubby, I am amazed at how our bodies survive in one healthy, harmonious, pain-free piece every day. It's simply a miracle how all the cells, molecules, organs, muscles, etc. all function together, like an orchestra, and one out of tune horn can disrupt the whole performance. It's incredible and overwhelming -- the human body. It reminds me, again, of how fragile we are. How complex. How interesting. I do admit it can become overwhelming trying to figure out what to eat, when to eat it, how much of it to eat, where did this food come from, how was it raised, will it affect me the same, etc. etc. etc. At the end of the day, I've concluded the following: our bodies are pretty durable; most things heal; green leafy veggies and colorful foods are (not gummy bears, of course) are optimal choices; regular movement~exercise, yoga, or at least walking 30 minutes every day to get everything flowing and feeling "good"; everything in moderation except for cigarettes—say no to those altogether--as well as other harmful drugs; and a good amount of love and affection and support from family and friends (daily hugs are ideal) are ESSENTIAL to a quality, healthy life. Prayer helps tremendously too! :-) So, yes, today, I'm in awe of the human body.

What about you? What are you in awe of?
I can't wait to hear from ya!

Sending goodness your way. Tag you're it!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Little thoughts of the day...;-)

Hello and welcome to March! And soon there'll be more birds singing and butterflies tweedling around. Ahhhh. What divine weather we had today in lovely Atlanta. Sunshine after the storm. Nice! J

Just a few acknowledgments of the day. Here goes:

§  Win of the day: Exercising. It took me a while to get started, but I finally stepped away from the computer and got moving.  Yes! Every little bit helps.  

§  Feel good moment of the day: Receiving a kind, upbeat email from a new friend. Feels good to smile!
§  Mini proud moment of the day: Cooking a pretty, colorful and healthy lunch: Chinese broccoli, cherry tomatoes, bok choy, fresh garlic, and wild caught shrimp. Delish!

§  Perspective of the day (something to consider):
Life doesn’t have a purpose. Life IS purpose. You don’t have to find something extra other than life, you only have to live life rightly with curiosity, courage, and compassion. When you do, your heart will open and you will be filled with an ever-increasing capacity to love and be loved…..Life your life as an experiment, and see what you can learn about living well, taking care of self and others. And then share what you learn with others. This is why you are here. ~Rabbi Rami Shapiro

Do you have any shares of the day? I'd love to hear. :-)

 Sending good thoughts your way. Tag you’re it!