Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Celebrate Mondays

Hello and happy Monday evening! A new day, a new week, yet another chance to do something different….  I’m still on my quest to find meaningful work.  And boy, can it get draining some days! So, I thought this would be a good time to revive my “Celebrate Monday” postings.  J
I consider celebrating ~ expressing gratitude. After all, it has been said if you are thinking about what is good in your life, whether big or small, then more goodness may flow in.
Here are 8 things I’m celebrating right now.  (I have an affinity for the number 8):

v  Exercising without going to a gym, thanks to Comcast OnDemand. They have a variety of free workouts that you can try right in the comfort of your home. I’ve tried several. Kickboxing segments are my favorites!  It’s great, because now I can still get my heart rate pumping and burn some calories even when I am not motivated to head to the gym. Whoo hoo!!

v  A good laugh! Sometimes just hearing my husband’s “hee, hee, hee, hee or HA!” makes me laugh. J

v  Discovering a delicious Caribbean restaurant in Atlanta (Little Five Points). Stir It Up has warm, stylish décor, scrumptious Jamaican food, and attentive servers. I’m a sucker for good food AND great service. The curry chicken rolls were my favorite. Tasty chicken with fresh vegetables wrapped in a filo type crust; a unique take on egg rolls; with a side of perfectly spiced curry for dipping. Yum!!

v  Reconnecting with a childhood friend. Nothing compares to a true friend. J

v  Detoxing from my “vice,” sweets, for the next 3 day. Thank God for fruit, vegetables, ice and blenders!

v  Anything that inspires me to create. Most recently it was Fat Chef, a new weight loss show on Food Network. Stay tuned to what develops....;-)

v  Speaking to my cousins. They make me smile!

v  My health. That is worth more than gold. Very grateful that the only pain I have is from doing 50 squats during my OnDemand workout today. J
Is there anything you’re celebrating right now? Do share!

Sending good vibes your way. Tag you’re it!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ride the Tide~

Hello out there! Happy 2012. I know, I know. It’s nearly February, already.  J I hope so far your year is all you want it to be.

It’s been a heck of a few months for me -- marriage, moving, new role as a wife, new home, new city, and even loss.  Change is good but sure isn’t always easy. I’ve always thought of life as an ocean, sometimes calm, sometimes exciting like a catching a big wave and being carried back to shore, sometimes scary like when the wave is so huge is takes you out into the sea farther than you wanted to go. I am learning to ride the waves and sustain a steady balance. It takes effort, but it is possible, right? J

(I took this picture because I saw a heart in the middle of the rocks. Sedona, AZ. Path to the Stupa.)
Last night, my hubby was sharing his intrigue about the Northern Lights. He was energized as he explained to me how phenomenal it would be to see this dazzling radiation storm in the sky up-close and personal, specifically in Iceland. J This is after all the strongest solar storm since 2003 (according to National Geographic). I must admit when I saw the first photos of the ultraviolet sky show, I thought the photographer enabled special effects on his camera.( lol, silly me)  It Is quite amazing to see what happens when a giant wave of charged particles from the sun slam into the earth’s magnetic field.
My point in mentioning this is that life is overwhelming interesting. The world is so wide and wonderful and captivating and wild and delicious and chilling and mysterious and mystical. Yet, there can still be times when we feel so far from all the fantastical stuff. While looking at websites about the Northern lights and Iceland, a banner ad caught my eye. It read “make every moment an experience.” Of course, it was promoting all the great adventures you can experience in Iceland, like taking a dip in the hot springs, whale watching, or simply spotting a glacier (just to name a few). How awesome! But, what about on an everyday basis, how can we make every moment an experience? For me, when I read that statement, I thought of “an experience” as being something grand or memorable or exhilarating.  I suppose experience could be defined in less mind-blowing terms. Because, honestly can every moment really be that way?  I suppose I could make every moment an experience by appreciating every moment for what it is.  Most moments are simply more breaths that allow me more time on this planet. Most moments I don’t think could be my last. Most moments go by so quickly I fail to relish in them. Most moments I’m figuring out what to do next from the menial to the major decisions in life….Most moments I don’t even realize I could make the most of it simply by being OK and grateful. I suppose no matter what is going on in my teeny spot in the world, there is always something to be grateful for. Something or someone to appreciate.  I’m thinking that the key to me making every moment an experience is to not let certain challenges keep me down. I’m thinking if I can find a way to quickly and easily connect to the light within, I will be making more of my moments an experience. And I’m thinking one of the simplest ways to make this connection is to believe  it’s ALL (life and the stuff that goes on) happening as it should.  So, for now, I think that those moments that I can smile and feel some sense of all is well (or at least make someone else feel that way), then dang on it—I’ve honored that breathe, and in doing so made that moment “an experience.”

I am surely a work in progress. And I’m open to hearing how or if you make most of your moments marvelous. Let the sharing begin! J

Sending solar-powered, radical streams of good energy your way. Tag you’re it!