Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Beginning to exhale...(a poem)

Even though I feel one way, I will profess the way I choose to feel.
Feelings they seem to rule me.
Think they always have.
I've got something to say. Is anyone listening? God. Divine One. Creator of the Universe.
I am a child of God. I am a Divine Being. It's time to embrace it. I am a piece of the highest love.
I love. I laugh. I give.
I have something beautiful to give. I have something wonderful to do.
I have love to bestow. I have thoughts to share.
I am a kind being. I am a good listener. I am a smart woman.
 I am a caring friend. I am strong. Stronger than I sometimes think or feel.
I am confident. I am moving through this phase of the journey, being drawn closer to the God within.
I forgive my mistakes. I ask for the lesson to be learned through it all.
I give thanks for breath right now. I am worth loving.
I let go of judgement, isolation, comparisons.
I can. I am.
I can feel joy. I can spread it.
I am love.
I am love.
I am love.
I am smiling. s.m.i.l.i.n.g. smiling. And so it it!
Sending love your way

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This or that? ;-)

Hello and welcome glorious, lovely summertime! Can you feel the heat? I sure can in peachtree city aka the ATL. :-)

So, I'm starting out the sunshiney season with a little of "this or that". Random thoughts that make me think hmmm, what/which do I really prefer. Here goes:

*** Who does better voice~overs Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones? Gosh, my first thought is to say Morgan...hmmmm. :-)

***Smoothies or freshly squeezed juice sans yogurt? >Juice for me.< 

***Single Ladies or Girlfriends? (for those who may not know, both are television shows about 30- something year old women with different personalities, dealing with various life experiences). Girlfriends, hands down for me. I miss that show. I loved seeing what Joan would wear! But more than the wardrobe, the show actually had some thought-provoking story lines, good acting, and great chemistry between the cast. Single Ladies...hmmm. no comment. ;-)

***Candles or air fresheners? I'm a sucker for a deliciously scented candle. I'm loving the Indigo brand candles at Whole Foods these days. I go through my "scent phases." For about 3 to 6 months I really like a particular scent, then I don't want to smell it again for a while. I'm over orange, citrus aromas at the moment. ;-)

***Bali or Australia? Hmmmm. Both are on my Bucketlist. Yet, if I had to choose, Bali all the way! Bali, I'm coming to visit you one day. :-)

***A day sailing the ocean or laying on the golden sand watching the sun glisten off the deep, blue sea. :-) I dig both! hmmm. It would depend on the beach and where I'm sailing.

***Paintings or photographs? I love art. However, a photo can be priceless! :-)
***E-readers or books? I prefer a good, ol' fashioned book. However, when I used to ride the subways everyday, it would have been nice to carry a Nook or something, instead of lugging around heavy books and magazines. :-)

***Curtains or blinds? Depends on the room... hmmm

***Lastly, kickboxing or Zumba? Kickboxing all the way! It relieves stress, burns calories and teaches you a little self-defense. Gotta love it! ;-)

Your turn.

Sending goblets of goodness your way. Tag you're it!

Friday, June 10, 2011

I keep forgetting....;-)

Hi and welcome to Friday!!! (almost). This posting will be brief. I believe every day we receive lessons, some big, some little. I know somedays I am not open to receive "my lesson." Yet, those days when I am, it's like gaining a little more clarity. :-)

Today, I was reminded that repetition is the key to life. Yes, repeat, repeat, and repeat again. I actually forgot that I must do things more than once to find my groove, build some stamina, and make whatever I'm doing become a habit and a part of my life.

Repetition creates strength in what you are aiming to make a part of your life. You can even overcome a not-so-good habit by repeating a really great one over and over and over. It's not about stopping, it's about starting and being consistent on a very regular basis.

So, here's to keeping on. As Dory said in the movie Finding Nemo, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming." :-) You can do it, and so can I!

Sending endurance your way! Tag you're it!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A pic and some thoughts...;-)

Hi out there! It's so funny. Now that I've moved, I feel like I'm extra far away. :-) It's June and it's hot! If I could I'd be on a beach every other day. Something about the big, blue ocean that just warms my soul. The sound of the waves, the depth of the sea, the soft, golden sand--if you're lucky! :-)

As I make myself at home here in the ATL, each week I'm discovering little differences between the big city and the quaint south. Even though I grew up in Georgia, so much is foreign to me now, since I left 20 years ago. (Plus, I didn't live in this particular southern city).One major observation is that customer service--so far-- rocks here. It's so refreshing to ask for help in Whole Foods or Target or wherever and be given wholehearted assistance. Not only have the salespeople I've come across in my mere 3.5 weeks here been helpful, they've also been pretty darn cheerful, upbeat and friendly. Upon walking into Bed, Bath & Beyond, about 3 sales folks offered a chipper "hi, how are ya?" Wow. You can't help but smile. It seems so natural.  Not to say in my fun~loving, fantastic years in NYC that I never got a happy "hello" or a warm welcome into a store--once in a while. However, the vibe is a tad different down here. And I think I get what it is. Many folks here seem to be really content with their work/job/gig in life. It doesn't seem to be based on a fancy title or big corner office or anything superficial. From the guy cutting and wrapping up the fish behind the counter at Whole Foods (which I am in love with the Whole Foods here--no line EVER!!!! and some really funky music playing over the sound system) lol, to the furniture store owner who simply loves living in Atlanta and helping customers find a sweet deal in her shop. It's a nice feeling.
It makes sense when you really think about it....Life down here is a little slower. No hustle and no crazy bustle. In fact, I'm still adjusting to walking slower. Stores close earlier. Folks seem to have a real home/family-life balance. Work is work, but family life or whatever it is that one values outside of work is really important too. In fact, even more.
Am I totally settled in yet? Not quite. This gal on the go is still getting the hang of things. I am grateful to have lived in a few different places in my journey thus far. Spices life up a bit! ;-)
In the meantime, I'm embracing being an essential part of a team. That team being marriage. Creating plans together, learning new things together, taking on new challenges together with a terrific partner. May the adventure get better and sweeter as each new day begins!

Sending boatloads of love/laughter/light your way! Tag you're it!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two cent tidbits:-)!

Happy Friday, first weekend of the summer mi gente!!!! Just knowing summer is around the corner gets me giddy! I love sunshine. I love the beach. I love road trips and flying to exciting places, and meeting up with my gal pals, and walking in the park with my hubby. The sun moves me to my good place. :-)

So it's been a minute, but I have a few two cent tidbits. I'd love to hear yours. Here goes:

***I get a kick out of listening and watching Whoopi G. on the View. I dig her "i am what I am, love it or not" attitude. I dig her non-judgmentenal vibe. I am aiming to be more like that. Breathe freer, be freer. ;-)

***Does distance really make the heart grow fonder? I'm in a new town. Really the new gal on the block. I am missing my girlfriends! It's funny, even though I may not have seen each one of them daily or weekly, just knowing they were just a borough away was a nice feeling. Girls keep me in the loop. I will hop on a plane for a good girls bonding day/sleepover. :-)

***There is nothing like a good workout! Gotta sweat!

***Any thoughts on Arnold just seems to be a fact, men with power often cheat. Sending good thoughts to Maria and all the children. She's a strong woman, she'll be fantastic in a while. Life.

***Godspeed. I've heard this sparingly throughout my life. I like this word. Godspeed.

***I'm thinking of starting a group called something like "NY tulip aiming to blossom into a GA Magnolia" for NY transplants now living in the ATL. What do you think? Ideas. Suggestions. Members? ;-)

***I love how it rains buckets of water and hail one day and is glowingly sunny the next. God is just amazing!!!!

***Still smiling whenever I think of my special day 3 weeks ago today!!!!! I"m so glad those we care about and love so dearly were with us to celebrate. :-)

***Ready for more celebrations!!! Bring them on.

***Any exciting road trips this summer? We may be heading to Jekyll Island next week. I've never been. Love going to new places. The world is like a treasure map and I'm itching to discover more treasures!!!

***I believe I heard yesterday on the news that for the first time in decades there are less married folks than single in America. What do you think of that? Pros and cons to both, of course. At the end of the day, it's about doing what is best and healthiest for you. When you are at your best you bring it out in ohters.

***2 additions to my bucketlist for the summer: Tennis lessons. Project Organize our new home. :-)

***Color therapy works. What color energizes you? I love gazing at the wide, blue, turquiosy ocean. Ahhhhhhhh. That is divine!

***St. Martin is delightful island. Heavenly french food. Awesome sunsets.
                                              view from L'Esplanade hotel in St. Martin.

***Prayer works. Please send healing thoughts to my gal pal Tanya's mom. Thank you in advance.

***Sending hugs your way!!!!!

Go out and live, laugh, love. Tag you're it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello there!...

Hello and welcome to the beginning of summer..almost! My favorite season. More importantly though, I'm back!!! on the blog that is.:-) What a fantastically wonderful, busy, once-in-a-lifetime kind of month I've had. I'm married! I can not even adequately articulate how much joy I felt on the most special day of my life thus far. Every ounce of effort was worth it. :-) Best of all, the sun made a glowing appearance all day--it was just perfect. I feel blessed. My heart is full. Life is good!

Honestly, I'm still taking it all in. Remembering the excitement of the last few months, as I slowly transition into my new "world." The world of sharing and merging. Bringing two ideas together to create something beautiful. It's a change for sure. And change is good. :-)

Speaking of change, new beginnings are happening all around us. Oprah's last show is tomorrow. :-/ (I've not watched any of the shows this week, not yet ready). Horrible weather is devastating parts of our country. One of my good friends is facing the biggest challenge of her life--so far--caring for and helping her mom defeat cancer. In the midst of life, I'm learning and seeing and realizing how B.I.G. life is. It's so much bigger than what I sometimes perceive. I send healing thoughts to everyone right now. I send love. I send light. I send laughter. I send energy. I send peace. :-)

Here's to rocking and rolling through life always. Embrace your goodness now and forevermore! Tag you're it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Calm in the commotion...

At last, I'm home! I've been aching to blog, yet I've not had the energy amidst all the "to-dos" to get done, in the last 2 weeks. So glad I'm here now!:-)

I've really felt caught up in the commotion of running here and there, scheduling this and that, packing, reminiscing, letting go, rearranging, donating, creating, being inspired, being exhausted, going, going, and going. For a minute, I was forgetting to take time and breathe and relish in what an incredibly precious time this is in my life. It can become quite challenging to remember the sweetness of it all, with never-ending details, preparing, designing, choosing, etc. It's work!:-) It's take effort, prayer and support.

Someone recently described a wedding --in the bride's perspective-- as directing and starring in a Broadway play and hoping opening night goes off awesomely, because you only have opening night. When she said this to me, I was like bingo!!! That is exactly how I feel! :-)
Today, as I was on my way to yet another appointment, feeling like I was in a marathon, breezing through emails as I wait for the train to move, I receive an email from our new landlord. I quickly read the email and notice the kindest thing at the closing, an unsolicited good wish for our wedding & marriage. Wow! Right then, in that moment, I was forced to pause. Stop, breathe, take it all in. This time, this love, this change in my journey that is happening every second that I exist. Yes, people do this every day--this marriage thing. I know. However, that doesn't make it any less wonderful to me. In the last week, I was becoming a little stressed and a lot tired. But, like always, God is always on time with a little nudge to remind me of what is really going on. Just that simple, yet thoughtful sentence from someone I don't even know, moved me. It pulled me back into gratefulness for my life and this time right now.

So, I'm breathing.. again. Ahhhhh. Yes. And I'm excited too. I am really ready to celebrate the beginning of my next chapter!!!! Goodness, light, love and laughter keep on flowing in. I welcome it all.

Sending light your way. Tag you're it!

Friday, April 15, 2011

2 cent tidbits...and the countdown is on :-)

Hello and welcome to mid-April!!! Today felt like Spring, at last in NYC. It was like exhaling after a really, long winter. The sun was beaming brightly from the wide, blue sky. Just makes me smile thinking about it.
It's been too long since I've been here. Happy to be sharing tonight. I have a few 2 cent tidbits---so here goes...I'd love to hear yours too.
**Sunshine, as I'm sure I've mentioned like 100 times by now, makes me drunk with jolliness. :-)

**JCPenny's has really cute dresses and other items, for incredible prices! Who knew? ;-)

**Only 30 more Oprah shows. I want to be in her audience. She just rocks! I really feel like she's my friend and has been for 25 years. Since I was a child!!! I'm open and receptive to getting tickets to The Oprah Winfrey Show, come on into my life. :-)

**I have a major pet peeve. Lack of acknowledgment/gratitude. I think it stems from my upbringing. My mom really instilled in us (my siblings and I) that appreciation is essential. She instilled that whenever you receive any token of love, or any extension of kindness--be it a card, a caring note, a gift, a thoughtful gesture, that you must acknowledge it. At least let the giver know you received the "goodness," and always say thank you. I'm realizing that some folks just do not do this. It's almost shocking to me that someone would not automatically, without even thinking, say "thank you" whenever a kindness is extended in any form. To me it's simply inconsiderate and there's no excuse. :-/  It really takes no significant amount of time at all to type or write or say two words, "thank you." They mean so much. It matters. :-)
**I got a sweet surprise at work yesterday. Tulips from my hubby-to-be. What a guy!!! Thanks from the bottom of my heart, BBP. I totally didn't expect to ever receive any calls from our security guards these last days at my job. Made me smile all day!!

**What a year of BIG stuff happening. Not just my BIG day --just 3 weeks away, not only Oprah's show coming to an end..But also, my mom is celebrating a wonderful new decade of living next Saturday. Yay, mom. I'm very grateful! And....All My Children, the soap opera I started watching with my aunt Joanne at 7 years old is coming to an end. I actually haven't watched Erica Kane or Adam Chandler or Jessie in about a decade, but wow. I will always remember Luke and Laura's wedding, and that beautiful song by James Ingram and Patti Austin- Baby Come to Me. Learning that this soap has been canceled made me a little sad. It's another chapter coming to a close. One Life to Live is ending too!

**I can't wait to start biking!~ I know I totally changed subjects on ya... lol

**I'm so excited about moving into my first townhouse with my husband in less than one month!!

**Last but absolutely not least, I was surrounded by love, laughter, warmth, and good people two weekends ago at my bridal shower. How blessed am I to have friends from 15 years ago; friends through the years; a new friend that drove 6 hours roundtrip; and my fun and always loving aunts and cousins (and family near & far) come to celebrate my new chapter. It was an evening I'll always remember. I cherish these times more than you can imagine. I take nothing for granted. This is my life. My big screen movie. I value every person that plays a part. I love each person that has helped me grow, accepted me, encouraged me, & even challenged me. I'm very grateful for this life. :-)

Sending smiles your way. Tag you're it!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Not because I love you..because I LIKE you :-)

Hello and welcome to APRIL! It's been too long since my last posting. Please forgive me. I've been in full-speed, coloring the pages of the new chapter of my life. The stress has simmered down, and now I'm feeling really excited!

 So much has happened since I last shared. I'm not only getting married. I'm moving! Leaving the place I dreamed of, as a little girl, NYC. Yes, I imagined living in New York, New York as a child. And I am so happy I got to fulfill that dream. I didn't become a famous actress, but I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. In fact, I've spent my entire adult life in New York. It's been wild, crazy, exhilarating, fun, and an adventure more days than you would think. I'll blog more about that later. ;-)

Right now, I wanted to share how I've been feeling the last two weeks. The word that comes to mind is awe. I'm actually amazed at how kind people seem to become when they find out you're getting married. I can't tell you how many times I've been told to enjoy "this special time" in my life. After about the 4th time, I think it started to really sink in. I've been recalling the last 4 months and it IS a really extraordinary time. Even amidst the planning, anticipating, packing, resigning, emotions, and all. One of the elements that makes this time so beautiful is that it is one of the few times in life when people want to shower you with blessings and good wishes and all that is wonderful. It's priceless!

Words are incredible. To be told by someone what they've thought of you all along, or think of you now and what they wish for your life, -- that's tremendously moving. I've felt this so many times in the last few weeks.

I resigned last week. I was a little nervous, I must admit. Though, totally ready and thrilled at the same time. After 8 1/2 years, I went into my supervisor's office to say, "the time has come..." Yes, that's exactly how I started it off. As soon as the words left my lips, I felt relieved and as if I took the first leap into the next phase of my "living.". And I do believe the net is appearing (as the saying goes). My boss said she was SO happy for me, but sad for herself. Sad to lose someone she considered a friend, as well as a colleague. She also said she hoped I considered her a friend, as well.  But, what deeply touched my heart, was her response to me after I asked if she'd be a reference for me. I was surprised to hear, "Deniceeee, of course I will. I'd adopt you as my daughter if I could." And me being me...couldn't stop the tears from falling after that. What a sweet thing to say! I am grateful. That was just the beginning of my colleagues, my supervisor and others that I've work with for the last 8 years expressing what they think of me personally and professionally. I'll take those positive words with me as I walk into my next roles (in this journey).

And so it is that in all of this, I kept thinking of this precious scene from The Cosby Show. (click the link below to watch) :-) The scene is with Denise (daughter) and Claire (mother). Claire says a few wise words to her 2nd born daughter Denise about college & life. Finally, Claire says, "I want you to know I'm gonna miss you," then she pauses for a split second and continues her thought, "not because I love you, but because I like you." Wow. How totally wonderfully beautiful!! The first 10 times I watched that scene, I cried. It's just pure sunshine to know that you are not only loved, but liked. And you know what, that's what I'm feeling right now in my life. Ahhhhhhhhhh. I'll keep this feeling in my heart always. :-)

Sending awe-some-ness your way. Tag you're it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2 cent tidbits....:-)

Hello and welcome to daylight savings time! It's time for longer days and warmth. But where's the warmth in NYC? I am really over wearing my coat everyday. I mean really. Patience come to me now. :-)

So, as you can imagine, I'm a busy chickadee getting together everything I can think of to make May 6th a day worth remembering. List after list....It's coming together, but I have to admit I'm a little anxious. Lots of good stuff coming up in the next 5 weeks, amidst the packing, organizing, and creating....All will be wonderful, I'm sure. I'm accepting all your good thoughts for a calm, beautiful, sunshiney day. Thank you!!! :-)

On my mind right now....just a few random thoughts. Some silly, some serious. All make me wonder....;-) Here goes:

**Why does it seem like such a task for folks to mail back an RSVP? It's stamped, addressed, and ready for a signature and a drop in the mailbox....hmmmm
 **Japan is in my prayers. The images of the Tsunami are incredibly unbelievable! I can't imagine what they are going through. I actually have a high school friend who lives there with his family. Thank God they are well right now. He asks for us to pray for his neighbors.

**Who knew Dionne Warwick was so fierce? Is anyone watching Celebrity Apprentice? Wow.

**After coloring my hair throughout my 20s--from highlights to dark rinses, I've come to embrace and actually like my natural hair color. Would that be considered exhaling? ;-)

**One can accumulate way too much paper in 6 yearS....and candles...and picture frames. Packing is such a joy! lol

**Janet Jackson concert this Saturday. Yeah baby!!! First and probably the only time I'll see her live.
**Waiting for Lenny Kravitz to announce a tour. He rocks!

**I had to get a steroid shot on Sunday because of an allergic reaction, I pray it doesn't make me gain weight. That's a side affect of steroids. :-( But I had to get it. I looked like I was in a fight with Mike Tyson when I woke up that day.

**Loving my new glasses. At lasttttttttttttttttt.;-)

** Aretha Franklin looks fab! She shed 85 pounds. Go ReRe!!

**I just love seeing (or hearing about) married couples still enjoying life together and l.i.v.i.n.g! My gal pal's parents have been married almost 40 years and they are going on a cruise with other couples this summer to Alaska. I can dig that!

Sending good times your way. Tag you're it!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Step by step...embrace the emotions :-)

Happy Monday night! It was pretty today in the NYC. The sun was glowing and the weather probably reached 45 degrees. Odd, that I now welcome 45 degrees these days. :-). I'm just patiently awaiting my favorite 70-degree days. They are just around the corner....

Time is ticking, ticking, ticking. The next scene is about to take place in my life. I literally feel like I'm prepping for a mini-movie, as I produce aka plan every detail of one of the most special days of my life, my wedding. I knew it would be "something" but wow, it has really taken over my being. Thank God, I'm into breathing. I mean b-r-e-a-t-h-i-n-g to realign myself with the now and the beauty of the process.

Sometimes I lose myself in the "stuff" of life, the this and the that and forget to enjoy and appreciate the process of it all. The process isn't usually non-stop fun. But, it always has something worth smiling about. Something that makes you feel like "yeah, I did it" or "I'm doing it." The breathing comes in handy when I feel like I may be losing sight of the good of it all. The meaning of it all.

The breathing helps me to remember that no matter what happens on my oh-so-anticipated day, all will be well no matter what. Everything is already wonderfully well right this moment, in fact. The process is exciting, exhausting, surprising and delightful.

The emotions are beginning to flow out. I actually shed a few tears today. I am sure it's natural to feel these different feelings when you're making a transition in your journey. It's a good thing. :-)

So, I choose to embrace it all, as my gal pal advised. The tears just came as I began to pack and let go of things I no longer need to hold on to in my journey. So, that's exactly what I intend to do. Embrace the emotions. It's natural. I am a being who experiences a plethora of feelings. And so it is all very natural and all just fine.

Ahhhhh, and so I am breathing and I am smiling. And gratefully~peaceful. Now.

Sending grace your way. Tag you're it!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

So Over It!................

Hello out there! It's March, are we ready for Spring or what? I'm more than ready to welcome longer, sunshiney days.

Forgive me for barely blogging lately. Tonight's post was inspired by my cool gal pal, Brookey. She was also the one who encouraged me to begin sharing my thoughts through my own blog, last year. My anniversary is this month. Whoo hoo!

Anyhoo, right about now I'm SO over a few things. What about you? I'll start. Here goes:

***Layering my clothes. This has been a really cold, snowy, windy winter in NYC/NJ. I'm so over temperatures below 50 degrees! I want to wear sundresses, now!! :-)

***Recycled cell phone numbers. Ok, I finally bought a new cell phone, a smart phone. I let go of my simple, non~internet access, tap~system Samsung phone, for the HTC Incredible. But guess what? Every day since I've had it (about a month now) I get 2-3 calls from an 800 number asking for someone named Melissa Rosen. Really. Today, I finally called the number back and told them this is not Melissa Rosen. I guess Melissa owes somebody something. I really hope they've updated their system. :-/

***Rude customer service folks. So over these people! I mean why did they choose to work at a job where they are required to speak, cater, or assist other humans on a consistent basis?

***Getting home when it's dark. So over it!

***The Android smiley faces. What happened to the regular round ones?...Androids are kind of scary and not cute. Already over it after barely a month with my Incredible. :-)

***Bottled water that costs more than $1.25. I mean really.....

***Long lines in Whole Foods, no matter what time I go. Over it!

***Dry hands. Really over Winter skin. :-(

***Not being able to think of Love songs that I really really really love. So over thinking about it tonight. Can you help me? :-)
There are a few things that I'm So Into right now, thank goodness.....;-)

*Warm showers after a good day's work. Soothes my soul.

*My dear one calling me Sweetlove. Really makes me smile. :-)

*Funny text messages from Sarpong. Makes my day so much happier!

*Cool, refreshing water! Ahhhhh

*My mom, dad and everyone supporting me right now as I prepare for the next phase of my journey.

*Crossing more details off my list of wedding "to-dos" Yes!

*Receiving packages, in the mail, that I've ordered for the wedding.

*The new ringtones I have on my HTC Incredible. ;-)

*My life! Even when I'm a little worn out and fall off track, I am still pretty dang glad I'm still ticking, smiling and capable of giving!

Sending brighter days your way. Tag you're it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

On the verge......;-)

Good Wednesday night! Can you believe my sweet February is almost over in 5 more days?

I have to say every waking moment I'm thinking of the event of my life--thus far. It seems to take priority in my thoughts these days.:-) It's overwhelmingly exciting, lots of work, and constant reminding myself that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I mean you only plan your first and God-willing last wedding, once.

Tonight, I began assembling my invitations. It made me happy! I spent hours searching for an invitation that I felt was me and my dear one. Then more hours finding the right font, then even more hours finding the right words. And finally after 2 weeks--they arrived! Ahhh, one more check off my "to-do" list -- as the official wedding planner for that special day. :-)

The last few days have been an adventure. My birthday was Friday. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. :-) Thus, my new year has begun! Mother Nature gave me a very much appreciated gift of warm weather in mid-February in NYC. It reached 60 degrees that day. I got to spend it outside with my dear one, enjoying the delightfulness of this creative, tough, hip, eclectic city. I am grateful.

I've been feeling on the verge of many different emotions....from giddiness to sadness to exhilaration to silliness. I embrace each one, realizing it's my life and I'm living it. I'm painting it day by day with all that I do and even all that I don't. I'm learning about myself even when I least expect it.

Most essential revelation of today--Don't doubt, just do. :-)

How fitting that I stumbled upon this quote by one of my favorite spiritual gurus today, and it totally resonates with me:
"It takes endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives." ~ Marianne Williamson
I want to be awake in my living, even when it's feels easier to sleep through some stuff. :-) If I can do it, you can. Right? Your positive energy fuels my positive energy and vice versa. Let's keep climbing, don't look back!

Sending zest your way! keep on, keep, keep on..............................

Thursday, February 17, 2011

So loving this & that right now...:-)

Hello and welcome to Wednesday night!
It's February. The shortest month. My Birthday month. Ahhhhhhhh. In essence the beginning of my new year.

I was just thinking about things and information I'm so loving right now. What about you? Have you made any new discoveries this year so far? I'll start first--here goes:

1. Totally appreciative & loving the sun glowing even on a cold day. (& loving capturing the sun like I did here in this photo I snapped). Tomorrow's forecast is in the 50s. And on Friday, my birthday, 64 degrees. That's a sweet present from mother nature. ;-)

2.The daylight lasting a tad longer than it was a month ago.

3. Bitters Spray from Helps ward off the queasies. :-)

4. Green Italian olives. No, not those basic green olives you find everywhere. I’m talking about this perfectly round, pretty bright green, superbly delicious green Italian Olives. I discovered them in Sahadi’s Fine Foods in Brooklyn. That store is a jewel!! Fresh goodies like olives, dried fruits of every sort, dark chocolate covered ginger…and sooooo much more.

5. Yoga. I am not where I want to be, yet I’m learning to enjoy the journey. No judgment, simply do it and smile.

6. The Well Being Journal. I stumbled upon it while waiting in line at Whole Foods. I was intrigued by the articles so I bought it. It is overflowing with golden information for our well being and health. 2 nuggets that stayed with me after reading several articles this weekend:

********Cereal is no good. No matter where it’s bought. The processing of it, which is called extrusion, zaps out all nutrients. A more in-depth explanation is in the WBJ. For me, it's bye-bye to cereal.
********Margarine is just not good for you. According to the WBJ, Margarine processing uses the cheapest seeds, most of which are full of pesticides and genetically engineered. The manufacturers steam clean the oils, which removes all the vitamins and all the antioxidants, but the solvents and pesticides remain. I let go of margarine years ago, however reading the WBJ reminded me to keep it out of my diet forevermore. :-)
Bottom line, eating whole foods, foods from the earth with little or no processing, is the way to feeling better, looking better, acting better being better. It’s not so easy in our fast-paced society, but for me, I’ve decided it’s worth the effort. Better now than never.

7. Georgia NY Salon & Boutique. I had the delight of visiting and having my mane done at this shop last night. My stylist, Elizabeth, was very thoughtful; she listened to my hair goals and used the most scrumptious products on my hair. The boutique is filled with fun and pretty pictures of the owner's children and travels… and with tons of all-natural, organic, wonderful skin/hair and beauty products. Even a few gorgeous jewels grace the shop's shelves. This was a little piece of heaven for a gal like me— who's always on the hunt for the best moisturizer ever! :-) I must go back soon.

8. These sparkly TOMS shoes, because I just dig sparkles. ;-) And I love the fact that TOMS gives a new pair of shoes to a child in need per pair bought!

Sending peaceful vibes your way. Tag you're it!