Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Thursday, February 24, 2011

On the verge......;-)

Good Wednesday night! Can you believe my sweet February is almost over in 5 more days?

I have to say every waking moment I'm thinking of the event of my life--thus far. It seems to take priority in my thoughts these days.:-) It's overwhelmingly exciting, lots of work, and constant reminding myself that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I mean you only plan your first and God-willing last wedding, once.

Tonight, I began assembling my invitations. It made me happy! I spent hours searching for an invitation that I felt was me and my dear one. Then more hours finding the right font, then even more hours finding the right words. And finally after 2 weeks--they arrived! Ahhh, one more check off my "to-do" list -- as the official wedding planner for that special day. :-)

The last few days have been an adventure. My birthday was Friday. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. :-) Thus, my new year has begun! Mother Nature gave me a very much appreciated gift of warm weather in mid-February in NYC. It reached 60 degrees that day. I got to spend it outside with my dear one, enjoying the delightfulness of this creative, tough, hip, eclectic city. I am grateful.

I've been feeling on the verge of many different emotions....from giddiness to sadness to exhilaration to silliness. I embrace each one, realizing it's my life and I'm living it. I'm painting it day by day with all that I do and even all that I don't. I'm learning about myself even when I least expect it.

Most essential revelation of today--Don't doubt, just do. :-)

How fitting that I stumbled upon this quote by one of my favorite spiritual gurus today, and it totally resonates with me:
"It takes endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives." ~ Marianne Williamson
I want to be awake in my living, even when it's feels easier to sleep through some stuff. :-) If I can do it, you can. Right? Your positive energy fuels my positive energy and vice versa. Let's keep climbing, don't look back!

Sending zest your way! keep on, keep, keep on..............................

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