Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh what a life! :-)

Hello out there! It's Friday, almost Saturday. I'm so happy to be blogging tonight.

What a week! I'm truly engrossed in wedding planning, just 2.5 months to go. Wowee! You can't imagine how many websites are out there with every little tidbit, any item, a gazillion ideas for "your' wedding. A gal could go bonkers. But, I'm still swimming. Yay! :-)

I can appreciate a productive week! What about you? This week I learned a little more about myself. I learned that it's OK if I'm not the same exact person I was a year or 10 years ago. I'm growing, blossoming, becoming more of who God created me to be. I am open to understanding myself more and being the best CDM I can by day.
I"m learning that to listen more, smile more, get over things more. Simply let go of agony and keep walking towards the sunshine. I admit some days it's just not that easy. However, I've decided to do my darndest to enjoy the now of my life. To be constantly grateful for all this is beautiful in my world, despite any pains, pitfalls, and hiccups.

 So, let's celebrate! There are a few things worth celebrating right now. Here goes:

*** My little sister, Jana Kay's birthday was Thursday. Yes to another fantastic year!!!!

*** The people of Egypt and their perseverance!  Yes!! I love what our President said about Egypt today:“For Egypt, it was the moral force of nonviolence -- not terrorism, not mindless killing -- but nonviolence, moral force, that bent the arc of history toward justice once more.”

*** Congrats to my friend Willie on his recent engagement and for having the coolest wedding date I've heard of so far (at least personally) 9.10.11. I really dig that!!! :-)

*** Kind words. It's really so delightful to get an unexpected compliment. 3x times this week. Wow, that really rocks! I really dig telling someone how amazing they are too. Never hurts. ;-)

*** Kickboxing! My all-time favorite workout, hands down.

*** Sparkling Natural Spring Water. Oh so refreshing!

*** The sun shining no matter how low the temp is. I love you sunshine.

*** My dear one. He make me smile. He is the most patient and engaging man I know. I'm deeply grateful for his love. :-)

*** My brother is coming to my wedding. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!

*** I was in a commercial this week! A real commercial that will air on Time Warner and Cablevision. I was asked to volunteer by my company. Kewl. :-)

*** Options!

*** Weekends.
Your turn!

Sending new beginnings your way. Tag you're it!

1 comment:

  1. CD, what's up, young lady? Hey, I feel you on letting go; I think about that the more I age. As you said, God has a purpose for us individually, and being happy is certainly fundamental. 1Ti 1:11 calls Him a "happy God." Sometimes we have to struggle, but at least we're stronger for enduring, right? Btw, what kind of commercial did you do? Peace:)
