Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hi! It's Monday night and time to celebrate making it through the first day of the week again. Yes! I realize right now so many are going through tough times. It may be money, work, school, love-life, weight-battles, anything. I just have to say the sun will shine again. It always does. What I've learned for sure in life is that we must go through lows to get to the highs. I know that I wouldn't appreciate the good times as much as I do if I didn't have those challenging ones. Trust me, there have been days I didn't want to get out of the bed, but thank God I pushed through that darkness. There is always light. No matter what "just keep swimming, just keep swimming," remember that beautiful line from Finding Nemo. When one door closes, another one really does open. Just believe. Do. Remain grateful. 

So, now let's think of something worth celebrating. I'm celebrating Sunday's forecast in NYC, it's gonna be 77 degrees. Yeah! I'm celebrating having successfully completed my first Meatless Monday. I'm celebrating doing Jay Johnson's 20 minute bootcamp workout today. I"m telling you working up a sweat is totally empowering! :-) I'm celebrating laughter. Can you make yourself laugh? It's simply delightful to laugh until your cheeks hurt - as often as possible. :0)

Lastly, I celebrate being alive and feeling good and embracing all that I am, more and more each day. Ahhhh.

In all that you do, keep smiling. You truly matter. Sending enthusiasm your way! Tag you're it.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Happy Sunday evening! It's been the perfect day to stay inside and revive. A tad too chilly for my liking outside today. However, in a couple more days, we shall see the glow of the sun again. Thank God! :-)

So, I discovered 3 terrific things this past week. In my quest to find for a super, magnificient moisturizer for my ever-so-dry gams--look what I found. I'm totally loving each of these goodies:
~Vermont Soap. I consider myself a soap connoisseur, because my skin really can not handle the regular, harsh stuff, especially during this season. Thus, I'm always sampling new ones that are supposed to do the trick. I must say this soap feels delicious on my skin. It's a handmade soap cooked up with organic oils of palm coconut, olive, organic cocoa butter, organic powered oatmeal, organic aloe vera, and rosemary. Oh, what a feeling!---I can dig it!

~~I'm really into scent therapy, though I don't care for heavy, overwhelming perfumes. A nice, light, happy scent gets me giddy. lol During my Brooklyn stroll in one of the many funky boutiques along Atlantic Avenue, I stumbled upon this swell smell. ;-) The line is called Theme Fragrance. The one that suit my fancy, Sarong. Just the right blend of vanilla & florals. Mmmmm.

~~~For the last two weeks, I've been craving to burn a chocolate scented candle. Just when I had almost called it quits, I find 4 of them tucked in the back of a cosmetic store in Manhattan. The best part is that they were on clearance for $.99 each. Yes!!! Surprises like this really get me silly! The yummy scent is aromatizing my living space right now. :-)

******So what else did I discover this past week. Well, I figured out three more experiences I want to make happen--one is actually already planned (yay!). Not in any particular order, but while I still have the umph to do them.  Did you hear about the new Sky Jump in Las Vegas at the Stratosphere Hotel. It's the only one in America & it sounds exhilarating. 1.)The next time I'm in Vegas, God-willing, I'm going for this jump!  2.)As you know, I am an avid Ocean lover, always open to find a warm, clean beach. I'm mega-excited to know that on my visit to Raleigh, NC, next month, I'm also going to go to a North Carolina beach. I've never explored the beaches in the south--even though I was a Southern baby & child. Go figure. :-) Wilmington beaches, here I come! 3.) Ok, lately, I'm so captivated by Babies, so I'm decided to have one. LOL, just joking. Not yet. :-) However, I do intend to see the documentary, Babies, following four babies around the world from their first breath to their first steps. It opens May 7th.
Your turn. What are your 3s?

Sending you thoughts of energy and enlightenment!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

short but sweet:-)

SupportMFM Home

This is so doable! Meat Free Mondays! Check out the link above. I'm so saying YES to this. :-)
I can You Can!

It's Friday! I'm thrilled. Have a blast this weekend. Do a little dance, spread a little love, have fun!
Until Sunday, I leave you with some wise words by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense."

Friday, April 23, 2010


Good Thursday Evening! It feels great to be home after an interesting day at work, to say the least. Thank God for balance & laughter. :-)

Happy Earth Day! Did you do anything eco-wonderful today? I did not do anything extra-eco today, however I will celebrate in the park on Saturday. I did get off the train one stop earlier on my way to work so that I could walk past Central Park and relish in nature. I got to take this pretty pic in the process.

Well, it's terrific Thursday and that means time for me to challenge myself to do something different or new. I have a bucket list that keeps growing as the months go by. The more I learn the more I want to learn. The more I discover about this incredible earth, the more I long to see it firsthand--travel, explore. However, there are lots of things I can do right here and now. In fact, there are a few things that aren't necessarily on my official bucket list, but they are mini challenges I'd like to tackle. I believe if I put it out there in the universe, which I'm doing now by telling you, I'll be more prone to just do it. whoo hoo! 
So, here goes, my goal is to go through one full day without saying CAN'T. Yes that is something I don't think I've ever done. I want to have a complete YES day. Within reason of course, will not say yes to anything that involves harming myself or others. Just say YES. I'm thinking that this will begin to work my mind (muscles) in an amazing way. If I am not able to say can't for one full day, I'll be forced to think more out of the box. And I'm loving that idea! I vow to myself to have a YES day before May 1st. If I can you can. Or perhaps you already do. If so that's fabulous!

In the meantime, keep smiling. Don't let anyone take your joy!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Congratulations, you made it over the hump! You woke up feeling well, tackled the day with vigor, and  made it back home safe & sound. (at least I sure hope so). Now, it's what I call cozy time, wind down time, reflect and recharge time. Ahhh!

So, today I came home to a mailbox full of miscellaneous stuff. But to my surprise, tucked in between my Verizon bill and Bloomingdale's coupon booklet was a postcard from a friend. Now, I rarely receive personalized mail, unless it's my birthday or Christmas. So, it's a real treaure when I receive something handwritten and picked out just for me on an ordinary day. I appreciate my friend for taking the time during her travels to write me a note, buy postage, and mail it. Yay!  This was one of my highs of the day. My first postcard from Argentina! 

Don't firsts give you a little high?  Firsts are always special, to me, they stand out in my memories. Sometimes, it takes me a while to get the courage to ever get to a "first." However, ususally when I arrive at that first, it feels pretty terrific. The more firsts I can create the more colorful my life. It's a bit like trying new things. Exploring and being open to life, right?
Anyhoo, here are a few of my favorites firsts. I hope you will share some of yours too, pretty please. :-0)

*My first time making my grandma Johnson proud. I was 6 years old (I think) and it was in Sunday School class. Grandma was one of the teachers. Our assignment was to learn all the books of the Bible and recite them. I did and it made grandma so happy! Even as I recollect on this experience, it gives me butterflies and I get a little sentimental. I remember grandma gave me $2 for knowing all the books of the Bible. She still remembers this too. It makes my mom laugh when she talks about it. :-)

*A first (and last) that was totally awesome was the senior year talent show at Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School.  I always wanted to sing on stage--like a Supremes/En Vogue type group. lol. So I thought the talent show - my senior year - would be my final chance to go for it. I asked two great girlfriends, Aronica and Janet, to join me and we did it. I put together a medley of oldies but goodies including "My Guy" and "I'll be There," and we practiced our songs and moves day in and day out until the show. When I heard the applause after our performance, I got chills. It was the best feeling ever! I still ask Aronica, who is now the Guidance Counselor at DFA if she can find the video of that show. I would love to view it now. I know I'd get a big giggle from it.

*Last year, I had an amazing first. I went to Washington, DC to my first Presidential Inauguration. I didn't care how cold it was that day, I was determined to be there, in person, to see our first brown president be sworn into office. I remember walking the National Mall among thousands of people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds. I wanted to get as close to the stage of the sacred ceremony as possible. I remember standing in the below freezing temps, shoulder to shoulder with my fellow Americans, for at least 4 hours. I am not a fan of cold weather, however, that day I didn't let it ruin my excitement and gratefulness for what was taking place. I was thrilled to be a part of history. Now, when I see various newspaper or magazine photos of that day capturing the sea of people who attended, I know I'm in there somewhere. And I feel good!

I could go on for days with my firsts, but I'll save some for later. :0)
It's nice to sit back and take in the joy of these experiences, sometimes.
There are still a plethora of firsts I have yet to make happen, some small like parasailing and some big like giving birth. All in all, I believe whatever I truly, deeply believe, and put my efforts and energy into, will come to pass at just the right time.

----Oh, forgot to mention, that I am a first! Firstborn that is. Firstborn child to my parents. Firstborn grandbaby to both sets of grandparents. First niece. Etc. etc. I do believe that birth order does have an affect on how I go about things in life too. I may blog about that one day.  

Have a peaceful Wednesday night. Sending all good thoughts your way. Your turn! :-)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You tell me

Tuesday has come and almost gone, hope it was a good one for you. I have been so sleepy all day, but amazingly quite productive. :-) I only have one tidbit today and the rest are questions, or rather ponderisms (I think I may have just made up a word here, lol). Here goes.

~how do you keep yourself going when you're totally pooped?

~could you go a week without TV?

~does distance really make the heart grow fonder -- even when you're married?

~isn't it interesting that we are older longer than we are younger yet aging is still not something many embrace?

~what's the best thing about 2010 so far?

Two cent tidbit:
When you find yourself not-so-thrilled about all the things you have to get done throughout the day and you hear that little complaining voice in your head, change your "have to" to "get to." Choose a particular task or situation in your life that feels like a burden and try substituting "have to" to "get to" and see if you get a different perspective. i.e. "Now I get to do the dishes" just might make me feel grateful for the fact that I was blessed to share another warm, healthy meal, served on lovely plates that I am very grateful to own. Hmm, I'm definitely going to incorporate this tip into my daily living. I must give credit to James Baraz & Shoshana Alexander, the authors of Awakening Joy, for this nugget of knowledge.

I'm eager to read your two cent tidbits and/or responses to my ponderisms too. In the meantime, keep smiling!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Learning to fill my cup

Happy Monday evening! It's sunny but chilly in NYC. I'm so anxious for 70 degree weather every day. Patience. I know it's coming. I must be patient. :-)

This weekend I read an in-depth interview about Oprah. Usually, Ms. O is doing the asking, but in honor of her magazine's 10th year anniversary she decided to invite a few of her readers and fans to her Chicago office to ask her anything. It was quite thought-provoking and she was very open--which is no surprise.

I have been an Oprah admirer since I first saw her show when I was 13 years old. I still remember the TV ad promoting her new show, there was a crowd in the street and someone (I think it was Oprah) was shouting "Oprah's coming, Oprah's coming!" I see it vividly in my mind. I was drawn to her as a teen. I found her refreshing, and fun, and compassionate. When, I went on to major in broadcast journalism in college, I also realized that what she does--interviewing folks and getting them to share their darkest secrets-- is truly a gift. It is much more challenging than it looks. She has "it." That quality to make one feel safe, comforted and listened to. Not to mention, she's also a darn, good actress. I LOVE her in The Color Purple. Did you know she ad-libbed that scene at the table during Thanksgiving dinner? That was superb! She's really quite comical too--wonderful sense of humor. (I will meet her one day--that's on my bucket list. :-))

"You are built not to shrink down to less but to blossom into more. "- Oprah, Feb. 2003, O Magazine

I wanted to share an excerpt of the interview that really stuck with me. One of the questions asked to Oprah: How has the public scrutiny you've had to endure affected your life?
Oprah's answer: Years ago, it made me cry a lot because I'm such a pleaser. I would say that's my single greatest character flaw: the importance I put on wanting to be liked. That comes from having been abused as a child—being beaten and not even being able to be angry or to have any emotions about it. I was trained to believe that other people's feelings were more important than my own, and that only through pleasing somebody could I be loved. It has taken me 56 years to overcome that. And by the way, in all those 56 years I have never once called my parents to share anything with them. Not "I got a job," "I met a guy," "I made a million dollars"—not once, ever. I'm in awe of people who felt their parents' love every day of their lives. They start out in the world with a full cup. The rest of us go through life trying to fill ours.

This stands out to me because, as a child, teen and much of my 20s, I also wanted to be liked. I wasn't necessarily a people pleaser. However, I longed to be included and wanted and accepted by others. I spent a lot of time feeling I was not good enough, not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not this, not that. Just never accepting of myself. I was lacking self esteem and it was not fun. It took me many years to finally stop hurting myself (mentally) and start accepting myself for all I was and was not. Because as long as I lacked self-love, I would never fully be at peace or evolve & become the me God made me to be. It didn't happen overnight, and I'm certainly still on my journey to being a strong, self-assured, and self-loving being. But, thank God I'm no where near how I used to be. I took time to learn myself. I now take responsibility for my life. I can't blame my childhood, though it does deeply shape us. I can acknowledge what I lacked for whatever reasons they may be. Forgive and get the best out of my journey from this point on. Everyday I am putting drops in my cup of love. I've learned the more I love and like myself the easier it is to love others. It sounds like a cliche, but it so very true

I appreciate Oprah for sharing her journey with me. She's really inspired me, made me laugh, and helped me to stretch my mind on things concerning this life we're so blessed to be given. It's taken a while, but I really do like me! I wish her everflowing self-love and self-acceptance.

Here's to YOU and; here's to ME! Have a soulfully, sweet week!

Monday, April 19, 2010

What's mine is yours

Happy Sunday Evening! The sun is beaming through the window as I type. Simply delightful! I've been thinking about sharing. I enjoy sharing--experiences, clothes, tidbits, even food. lol.
I'm always discovering terrific little nuggets of knowledge, so I'd like to share a couple of causes about sharing worth passing on.....
To me, to give is to live. I really get excited when I find a great way for me to give back. Recently, I stumbled upon this cool cause -- Soles 4 Souls. What a novel idea, donate your old shoes so that they can be given to someone who may desperately need them. How wonderful to be able to share and recycle at the same time. You can check out to find a dropoff location near you. :-)

Do you have kitchen cabinets overflowing with canned or boxed foods that could feed a small family? Guess what I found out about just yesterday? Stamp Out Hunger is having a food driving on Saturday May 8th and you don't have to go too far to participate. Simply place the goods in a bag and leave at your mailbox. The postperson will pick up and deliver to local foodbanks or pantries. Piece of cake, right? Yeah! :o)

There's something even more wonderful that is very much worth sharing, daily if you can. A hug. It costs nothing but can mean more than you know. A hug can heal wounds that words never come close to. Hugs increase comfort levels, lower blood pressure, improve moods and can even trigger happy memories. One of the best benefits of hugging is that it can create a real bond and connection between people; it creates feelings of acceptance and compassion. A hug is something anyone can give. I'm sending hugs to you right now!
May you receive and share all the hugs your arms can embrace this week.
Sending joy your way. Tag, you're it!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What a wonderful world without the Stuff

Good Friday night! I missed blogging last night because of technical difficulties. However, the good part is that I got to spend time at my cousin's home with her family, including my precious little cousins and Godbaby. :-)

What a week this has been! Very glad to say I'm slowly stomping out my allergy monsters -- watery eyes, sandpaper-like throat, asthma. I predict by May, I'll be breathing nice and easy with no major allergy woes!
I hope everyone is managing well during this lovely yet sneeze-inducing season. :-)

So, lately I've been imagining being on a beach and near the ocean, even more than usual. As you know, I simply relish in warmth and the beauty of nature (minus the mosquitos, :-)). What really hit me, big time, yesterday was that in this country and probably especially in NYC, we are surrounded by STUFF. I was strolling the streets of the Bronx, on my way to my destination, when I noticed how every single inch seemed to be overflowing with products for sale - clothes, containers, cds, shoes, appliances, sunglasses, toilet paper - just never-ending stuff. I felt crammed by rows of "things." I realized there are so many ways to spend and/or waste a dollar. Everybody is selling something. I am amazed that so many of these stores can survive. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the variety of stuff this great city offers. The diversity is great. The entreprenuerialism is terrific. However, as I walked past dollar store after dollar store-like store, I craved a clean, bare, natural piece of space, even more intensely. Nature, just plain ol' green grass, trees, a little dirt, some ladybugs, a caterpillar.

I embrace the simple things even more after my stuff overload. I am so glad there are places in America, and even a few in this wonderful city, to get away from the stuff. Yay, for the glorious parks where I can simply lie in the middle of a big field of grass and take in the big blue sky. It's quite delightful to walk barefoot in the grass and feel the earth. Ahhhh!
If you live in a smaller town, cherish the breathing space you may have just outside your door, like your backyard. :-). If you live in the fantabulous Big Apple, we can at least indulge ourselves in the great parks~ Central Park in Manhattan, Prospect Park (Brooklyn), Botanical Gardens (Bronx) and I'm sure much more I've yet to discover---regarding the natural side of the city.

Cheers to the simple things in life! Wishing you a weekend of smiles and good vibes. Tag, you're it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bits of Peace

Ahhhh, another day has come and gone, and I'm still standing--yeah, yeah, yeah! (I couldn't resist--remember that song by Elton John). :-)Right now I'm craving peace. My ideal would be basking in the sun on the Fiji islands. :However, since that's not happening right now, I'll indulge in thoughts of things that bring me peace.:-)

The OCEAN. The sound of the waves hitting the shore. Nothing compares to the sunlight sparkling over the hues of the endless blue sea.

A cup of warm water is really soothing as well. Water is essential to our bodies, our minds, and even our spirits.
Almost any chapter in PSALMS brings me peace. I especially love Psalm 34:4
"I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."

BREATH. Breathing brings peace. A few focused inhales & exhales can shake off frustration and bring me back to my center.

MUSIC. I can't begin to express how a song can mellow my mood. The list of songs that take my mind on a peaceful journey is endless. However, this one comes to mind as I write to you tonight, Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
(you may remember this lovely tune from a lemonade commercial a few years ago, or the movie, 20 First Dates)

I cherish peace. I cherish nature. I cherish water, wind, hummingbirds, warm sand, big hugs, sleeping babies, fluffy pillows..... All of these things give me bits of peace for which I am very grateful.

Lastly, this excerpt from the poem, Desiderata, inspires peace for me. What gives you bits of peace?

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Is it just me....

Happy Tuesday night! What a gray day it was. I am trying to embrace all colors of weather. However, I'm not yet there with the barely blue skies. The best part about today's weather was no rain. Yay!!!! And the sun will shine bright tomorrow. :-)

On Tuesdays I've decided to share my two cent tidbits. As I was sitting under the hair dryer on this crisp, Spring evening the wheels were 'a turning in my mind. So, here goes...
~Is it just me or does a good trim (cutting off those frizzy split ends) or a clean shave/cut for guys make you feel brand new? It's like losing dead weight for me. Ahhhhhhhh. :-)

~Speaking of hair, I wonder if Oprah will ever dedicate a full show to hair care. She's natural now --no more chemically straightening her 'do-- and it looks full and fabulous. I want to make that move one day. I tried in my twenties but was never brave enough to just cut it all off and start from scratch. I think it would be freeing. ;-)

~Is it just me or do both Rachel Maddow and Jon Stewart have the most witty, intelligent, and capitvating news shows on TV?

~Is it cool or crazy that Diana Ross is going on tour next month? I say why not. If 40 is the new 20, then at 66 she's just over 45. Go Ms. Ross!!

~Is it just me or is giving birth the most Amazing thing ever? My newest baby cousin, Courtney Michelle,is 1 1/2 days old today. She's a beauty!
    ~Congrats to Paula Patton and Robin Thicke on the birth of their baby boy last week. Is it just me, ladies, or would you also love to have a photo shoot --like this Ebony cover-- when you're pregnant? Simply lovely! 

~Is it just me or are we overdue another Love Jones or Best Man type movie????
This song was so romantic.  

~Is it just me or did everyone have a nickname as a child? Everyone on my mother's side still calls me Niecey. I have to admit when I hear them say, with their southern drawl, it makes my heart warm. What was yours?

Before I sign off, I have to give triple kudos to Michelle Obama for traveling to Haiti today and for all her efforts with her campaign to fight obesity Lets Move. She rocks!

Sending smiles your way, tag you're it!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Here's to Life

Happy Monday night! What a busy day! I like busy though (within reason. :-)) Ok, I'm a bit side-tracked right now watching Justin Bieber and Tina Fey on SNL. lol! Silliness. But it's making me laugh!

Ok, back to reality. :-) The last few days have been days of celebrating new beginnings for people I love in my life. Saturday, my family celebrated my cousin's birthday and his relocation to Singapore for his job. I am so proud of my little cousin! It was a pleasure to come together with family and friends to shower him with good wishes and special memories.

Today, another cousin, Candace, gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Courtney Michelle. What a delightful surprise! She's ten days early. I can only imagine the joy my cousin felt once she laid eyes on this precious baby, after bonding with her in a way only a mother can, for nearly nine months. Just thinking about this gets me misty-eyed. I still remember Candace laying on my lap during church service when we were kids. She was like my litltle sister (we're 4 years apart). Now, she's all grown up, married with two adorable babies. Wow.

Life. It's about new beginings. Growth. With every new beginning, it would be divine to find something to celebrate. Not just major things like birthdays, big moves, births. Those are definitely worthwhile. What about celebrating the simple things that are really rather grand when you really think about it. Like waking up every morning with sound mind,, pain-free, and beautiful. Yay!!!!

I love celebrations! However, I think sometimes we wait to late to celebrate. I've decided to train my mind to celebrate more over complaining. For instance, instead of complaining about the projects I have to do at work,  why not celebrate the fact that I have the ability to complete the task or that I have employment. Or instead of whining about having to walk up the broken escalator at the subway, celebrate the fact that my legs and lungs are strong enough to climb 100 steps without falling out--:-) lol! I mean afterall, to celebrate is to rejoice or to be happy about something. And I'm mighty glad about so much in this life God has given me!

Today, I'm also celebrating my first week of blogging. So far, so fun!  I celebrate you for sharing in my experience. Smiles to you, always!
May you have sprinkles of celebrations throughout the week.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Funny Bone

Good Sunday evening! It was the perfect day to rest and recharge. I laughed a lot this weekend with family and friends. I always say if I can I make someone smile, it was a day done well! It’s actually sort of exhilarating when I laugh so much my cheeks hurt! The silliest thing can crack me up, including myself.:-)lol It’s even better when I can share a laugh with family or friends. It is really like a mini vacation—which I’m sure is a quote I’ve read somewhere. ;-) And it’s been said that laughter is the best medicine. Why wouldn’t it be? It makes you feel good, eases stress, breaks tension, and just makes everything much more enjoyable, right?

So, I was thinking of some of the experiences, people, things that make me laugh. Here are just a few. Maybe you’ll break out a grin too!
~Kids, especially toddlers, never fail to make me laugh. Today I was on the train observing a 4 year-old ever-so-happily eating her Pirate Booty Chips. After she finished her mom gave her a Wet One, and she delightfully wiped her hands and her mouth, then mom gave her some seltzer, and she took a gulp, carefully swallowed and exclaimed “ahhhhh” and “zeee” apparently from the fizz of the carbonated water. This is probably an ordinary scene for them, but it made this chick (who doesn’t have any kiddies of her own yet), pretty giddy.
My nephews constantly bring on the giggles.  Like when Simeon, also 4 years old, tried to pronounce Xavier’s name, and said Alexandier:-)! Or when he was trying to get Xavier’s attention when he was sitting in his carseat and said “Hey, guy,” (because he couldn’t remember how to say his name).  That was rather amusing. But what totally brought a smile to my face is when this little boy says to me, “Auntie you so sweetttt!” Kids are such gems. They absorb everything and when they translate what they’ve heard into their own little words or gestures, it’s simply priceless!
~ One of my all time favorite movies is The Color Purple and although it was a great dramatic film, there are two lines, from two difference scenes, that make me laugh out loud every time I hear them.
  • One is when Harpo is on the roof trying to fix it and he falls through, then the little boy says“It’s gon rain on yo head.”  The other is the scene in the juke joint when Sofia is about to punch out Squeak and the piano man says “time to go” and packs up his stuff. hahahaha!
~And this scene from Family Guy is ridiculously cheek breaking!
~Lastly, I wouldn’t be able to maintain my sanity if I didn’t laugh at myself once in a while. I can often do this by simply busting a funky dance move.;-) Of course all my gal pals know that dancing is not my forte but that surely doesn’t prevent me from shaking what my momma gave me! Check the last few seconds of this video for a taste of my silliness. at about 40 seconds in.

Wondering what tickles your funny bone…… looking forward to your feedback. Make it a week worth smiling about!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Do you see what I see?

It's Friday, yay! Well actually it's almost Saturday. It's been a worthwhile week! I learned a little more, I gave a little more, and I laughed a little more. :-)

The past few years I've been really understanding perception more and more. How we view things really makes all the difference. It's really a key to riding the waves of life. If we can see the bigger picture when so many things seem to be trying to run away with our joy, we can surf those waves with a smile.
Oprah has often mentioned (on her show) that Maya Angelou always told her to be grateful even in the storm. I never really "got" how on earth I could be thankful while my heart was aching after being broken in a thousand pieces, or after I didn't get the job I thought I so wanted, or after I lost my favorite scarf or whatever. During these unpleasant moments, the last thing on my mind was to say thank you (God). Then, something happened, I don't remember exactly what it was. I just know I was constantly praying and reading inspirational books and journaling, and one day in the last year or so, I was able to genuinely be grateful in all things. I started with the little things, like after I'd hit my elbow on the edge of the door (yes, I'm clumsy and this happens often :-)) and it hurt like heckola--I'd scream, but then I'd say thank you God. lol. I literally starting saying thank you in the midst of trials. The fact is when I step back out of the moment of frustration or despair and change my view, I can see things clearer and in a more positive light.....Saying thank you began to be like putting things into a bigger view. A view where I can see my way through and stay in the light. When I am living in the light I can see my way through the dark times and keep on dancing my way through life --not staying stuck too long in the lows.

Speaking of perception, I'm always amazed when I learn how someone sees me. How I see myself and how you see me are many times totally different. Do you see what I see? I'm so glad to be at the point where I do not define myself by what someone says or does to me. I am grateful that I now see myself as the wonderful, silly, creative, being God made me to be. lol I am human, though, and of course it is pretty delightful when I'm having an ordinary day and someone says -- "you are everything I envision a sophisticated, hip, beautiful young new york woman to be." Wow, now that was totally unexpected and really neat to hear. I appreciate that. I know that when I'm feeling good about myself it's easier for others to do it. :-)

Anyhoo, I was wondering do you see what I see? How do you view yourself?

Insist on yourself, never imitate.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, April 9, 2010

I Can You Can ~ Lean Green

Happy Thursday Evening!
Ok, before I go into my thought for today, I have to say it's really cool hearing my hometown's name so much in the news this week--Augusta, Ga. Home of the Masters and James Brown! lol. I know the Masters Golf Tournament has been around since 1934, but hearing Augusta so much lately in national news is neat. I remember working at the Masters during Spring Break senior year of high school. Totally fun! No idea which golfers were playing, but it was still very exciting for a Georgia gal.

Ahhhhh, so it's Earth Month. Yes, I know we all know about Earth Day, which is April 22. However, as of this year April is Earth Month. At least from what I've been reading. I have to admit I didn't even know until today that Earth Day is gonna be the big 4-0 this year. Wow!!! In honor of Earth Month and because I am wanting to be more conscious in all aspects of my life, I want to lean green. I say lean green as opposed to go green because I'm no where near the point of being totally organic/eco-friendly/etc. yet. 
So I found five things I plan to do in my efforts to lean green. Are you with me? If I can YOU can.:-)

Here we go:
  • Let's talk water. We are so privileged in this country to have easy access to clean water. I know I must wash my hands about 10 times a day, and let's not even mention how much we drink and use for cooking. It frustrates me to know that so many in underdeveloped countries don't have this necessity. Clean water is a gift. I want to use it more wisely. I've learned that taking shorter showers can make a real difference. If everyone across the country shortened her/his shower by one minute we could save nearly 12 billion gallons of water a year.**The average shower is 8 mins. using approx. 2.5 gallons of water per  min.
  • Another way to save water-- using the dishwasher versus hand washing dishes. Saves half as much water. Now, I'm not a fan of dishwashers. I'm one of those rare women who prefers doing dishes over most other chores ;-). But, to save more water I'll wash less dishes.
  • What about all the water bottles I use? I sure could help the environment by investing in a stainless steel, reusable, and healthy water bottle. I pass them all the time in Whole Foods and then look at the price (@$29.99) and I just can't bring myself to buy it. However, it would really make more sense to just buy one. I found a more economical one that I'm digging. I promise to ditch the plastic water bottles asap.
  • Toxins are all around us--even when we're cleaning! I remember watching Kirstie Alley on Oprah last year talking about her passion for cleaning and how she uses vodka to get things sweaky clean. Vodka is actually less toxic than many of the chemicals we use. Check out for other interesting uses for the spirituous beverage.
  • And finally walking, biking, anything to save energy and to burn calories and just breathe and smell the sunflowers! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Until manana, be kind to you for me!