Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Step by step...embrace the emotions :-)

Happy Monday night! It was pretty today in the NYC. The sun was glowing and the weather probably reached 45 degrees. Odd, that I now welcome 45 degrees these days. :-). I'm just patiently awaiting my favorite 70-degree days. They are just around the corner....

Time is ticking, ticking, ticking. The next scene is about to take place in my life. I literally feel like I'm prepping for a mini-movie, as I produce aka plan every detail of one of the most special days of my life, my wedding. I knew it would be "something" but wow, it has really taken over my being. Thank God, I'm into breathing. I mean b-r-e-a-t-h-i-n-g to realign myself with the now and the beauty of the process.

Sometimes I lose myself in the "stuff" of life, the this and the that and forget to enjoy and appreciate the process of it all. The process isn't usually non-stop fun. But, it always has something worth smiling about. Something that makes you feel like "yeah, I did it" or "I'm doing it." The breathing comes in handy when I feel like I may be losing sight of the good of it all. The meaning of it all.

The breathing helps me to remember that no matter what happens on my oh-so-anticipated day, all will be well no matter what. Everything is already wonderfully well right this moment, in fact. The process is exciting, exhausting, surprising and delightful.

The emotions are beginning to flow out. I actually shed a few tears today. I am sure it's natural to feel these different feelings when you're making a transition in your journey. It's a good thing. :-)

So, I choose to embrace it all, as my gal pal advised. The tears just came as I began to pack and let go of things I no longer need to hold on to in my journey. So, that's exactly what I intend to do. Embrace the emotions. It's natural. I am a being who experiences a plethora of feelings. And so it is all very natural and all just fine.

Ahhhhh, and so I am breathing and I am smiling. And gratefully~peaceful. Now.

Sending grace your way. Tag you're it!

1 comment:

  1. I congratulate you, homegirl. You are uniquely thoughtful in handling "this thing called life." (I think Prince first used that phrase in a song.) Breathing is definitely makes for a silent, balancing strength, but stress is its nemesis. And you will warmly be in my thoughts on your day:)-Carlton
