Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Happy Thursday! Feeling fab even though I slept barely 4.5 hours. :-) It's been a blessed week! I can't help but wish you smiles today.
 If you woke up today, that is something to celebrate. If you can walk, talk, think, breathe on your own, that is something to celebrate. If you have a safe place to sleep every night, a way to pay your bills, clean clothes to put on your back this morning, that is something to celebrate. If you have at least one person in this world to love and that loves you back--whether it be your mom, dad, sister, brother, child, mate or best pal, you are blessed and highly favored. Celebrate that!
 Today is a blessing and so was yesterday. I have to share with you what an awesome night I had. Remember Mary Poppins? Yes, Mary Poppins, the movie you probably watched as a kid? I got to see it on Broadway last night with a great, longtime friend and also made a new friend.(Thanks again, friends!) Ok, I liked the movie as a kid. I enjoyed singing, "just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, medicine go downnnn, medicine go down." And everyone knows I how I love the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I am probably the only adult in the world who actually puts this word to use. lol. So last night seeing these songs performed so beautifully was grand! I didn't think I was going to be blown away by this play but I was. What an fantastic production! The singers had terrific voices, the set design was gorgeous, the special affects were perfect.
Not only was it something delightful to watch, but also Mary Poppins has such a beautiful message. First of all, Mary Poppins is a self-confident woman who sees the bright side of life and lives it. :-) I so dig her! lol. Also, the message of many of the song is very positive. I left feeling so joyful! I wish I could take every child in my life to see this play. There are some good lessons within this jewel of a musical for everyone, seriously.
Anything can happen if you let it 
Sometimes things are difficult but you can bet it 
Doesn't have to be so 
Changes can be made 
You can move a mountain if you use a larger spade 
Stretch your mind beyond fantastic 
Dreams are made of strong elastic 
 Some of my favorite lyrics from Mary Poppins. :-)

Sending enthusiasm your way. Tag you're it!


  1. Denice I can certainly relate to how wonderfully inspired you felt after seeing MARY POPPINS. I recently had the same EXACT experience watching this quasi-animated movie called UP. What a MAGNIFICENT movie!....I knew that it had won a few Oscars but I had never heard of it or knew what it was about. It has a WONDERFUL message of true, pure love that stands the test of time and demonstrated the true meaning of "'til death do us part", AND, it also showed how no matter how old you are it's NEVER too late to fulfill your dreams! It was so inspiring. I HIGHLY recommend it.

  2. Tiffany, I also saw the movie UP, and felt exactly the same way. I too was moved by it and I got misty-eyed during several scenes. It was very inspirational.

    Well,Denice now I have to see the play. I liked the movie, but it never really moved me (Sound of Music is my all-time favorite Julie Andrews musical) but if the play is awesome as you say it is, I definitely want to check it out.

  3. "Stretch your mind beyond fantastic,
    Dreams are made of strong elastic"

    I love that! awesome!

    your joy is infectious - thank you for sharing it always :-)

  4. Brooke, thanks so much! YOU inspired me to start sharing. :-)

    TIff & Cherish, I now really want to see UP!!
