Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Monday, May 17, 2010

Say it like you mean it

Happy Sunday Evening! Wow, have I had a busy weekend. Change is good. :-) As I've purged my closet and drawers, I've let go of the stuff clogging my life, my being--as well. Now, my space is open to receive fresh, new, beautiful blessings. I feel lighter. I believe when you clean out your home, you are also spiritually ridding yourself of junk. Opening up yourself to more wonderful experiences. Ahhhhhh!!

This morning, when I went outside, I was very warmly greeted not only by the sun glowing from the sky but also by my neighbor. He's always very cheerful. Today, he was bright and cheery-eyed as he trimmed the hedges of his plants. He said to me "Good morning, how are you?" I replied good morning, thanks, great, how are you? He then replied, "Really good! Have a great day!!!!" Now, this may not sound like such a huge deal. However, what makes his greeting stand out to me is the fact that he was so cheerful and from the tone of his voice, he really meant what he was saying. And, his enthusiasm was passed on to me, just in that brief moment of chitchat. Really. :-)

Last Sunday, I had a similiar experience. I was at the Live Your Best Life Walk, waiting with my fellow team members in the VIP section, for the festivities to begin. I met some cool women. I also had a birdseye view of all the celebrities as they went to the stage. Mary J. Blige was one of them. She was in arm's length of me, so I reached out to shake her hand. She reached back to me. Once I had contact, I said to her, 'I love you!'--in the excitement of the moment. She paused, looked at me through her sunglasses, and said with pure sincerity, "thank you, I love you too." She also touched my arm. Her engagement was so warm. In that barely, one-minute encounter, I felt her authencity. I felt appreciated. I felt heard. I felt acknowledged. That is priceless!

Engagement with one another is so important. Think about it. Think about how you feel when someone really listens to you. Being listened to, engaged is a form of validation. It is one of the most precious things you can give to another person. I want to be more engaging. Say thank you like I mean it (which I really do!).  I think that's another way to shine our light (my light, and your light). :-)

"I believe that love expands. As you give love out, it's received and reciprocated - and it grows. That's the beauty of it. Love is an energy. You can feed it to people, and they in turn feed it to others, and eventually it comes back."--Hill Harper, actor, mentor, activist

Sending energy your way! Have a fantastic week!


  1. Amazing how a simple basic life experience can make such a profound impact. I wonder if they felt the same. So glad you can appreciate these precious moments and I hope they did as well.
    My revival comes from cleaning my hand bag and filing my papers. It's all relative.
    Thank You for making this post easier to read with the light blue color :-)

  2. I just love you! You are so inspirational and pure . . . there is simply no other way to put it. . . . it is so uncanny that I am feeling the exact same way today. . .took a moment to read this as I am was thinking about how just LISTENING to someone today who really needed someone to LISTEN made such a difference in her life. Be blessed as you are such a blessing to others.

  3. Thank you SO much! I appreciate you reading my thoughts. I just want to sprinkle as much joy as I can. We are all learning on our journies. We all have so much to share and give.
    Blessings and joy to you, today and always.
