Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ya dig? :-)

Hey! I've missed blogging. Ahhh, it's Friday. It's been a good, emotional, blessed week. The sun is shining very brightly and that makes me feel simply marvelous. Remember Billy Crystal in the 80s on SNL--he used to say "you look marrrrrrrrrrvelous!" That always makes me laugh. :-)

Ok, so my thoughts are really random today. A few things I'm digging and a few I'm not. Here goes:

***Water. It's really beneficial. I'm on a mission now and forevermore to drink, drink, drink it up! :-)

***What's up with Rick Sanchez? I mean really. Why apologize. It is what it is.

***Sade is going on tour next year. YAY! I've never seen her, but I will next year. ;-)

***I'm really excited about the holidays and the special events happening in November and December. Particarly my grandma Johnson's 80th Birthday!!!! The grands--myself being the eldest--have planned something really special and fun to celebrate this precious occassion. God is grand!

***I'm ready to do something exhilarating!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's happening I feel it!

***It's ok to feel good. I used to hide my joy or shrink depending on who I was around. That really does nobody any good. Embrace your emotions, and let your light shine. That gives others the boost to do the same. right? :-)

***Ok, I was listening to Steve Harvey this morning (as usual) and it was his time to answer women's questions...Lady calls in tells Steve she has been in an "on again, off again" relationship for 5 years now. Since she's taken her "guy" back this last time he has been even WORSE, no love, etc. She wants to know why. Steve said it's your fault. These type of relationship don't provide growth. Meaning if you keep taking someone back over and over and over again, the dude or gal is not changing. It's like a kid--if you let them get away with eating candy before dinner or talking back to you, guess what they are going to keep doing it. People do what you allow them to do. I know for sure you can have whatever you deeply desire from your partner, you do not have to settle for less. When you do, think about it, are you really, truly loving yourself?

***Today, I have lots of Aretha Franklin songs on my mind.... especially Rock Steady. lol

***Am I the only woman not wearing chocolate or black nail polish? I know it's the "mod" thing to wear this season, but it's just not me. :-)

***Loving the ponchos I'm seeing this season. I want a nice, chunky, colorful one!

***Fela was really energizingly entertaining! I love Kera Kay~ song #10 on the website.

***Words are power. Choose them wisely. ;-)

And so I have to share these words from a very wise author, teacher, spiritual leader that I admire, Michael Bernard Beckwith:

In the nowness of this moment, I claim for myself gratitude for the countless blessings in my life, those of which I am aware and those of which I am not. The Self-givingness of the Spirit shows up in every aspect of my life. So I am grateful for my body temple that is even now vibrant with health, vitality, and vigor. I give thanks for the beauty that surrounds me. To every individual in my life, I say "thank you" for loving me, for sharing yourself with me, for inspiring me, and for uplifting me on days when I could not see my own inner beauty. I give thanks for all the good that flows into my life.

Sending sundrops of joy your way. Tag you're it!


  1. Yes..I love the chocolate nail Polish!
    Good n grand things r sooooo happening now!!!!

  2. I've been wearing deep purple nail polish, but that's my go-to color for the fall and winter. Purple is my fav color, so I rock with - and only BRIGHT purples in the summer :-)

    I don't think Rick Sanchez's comments were wrong - in fact, they were quite truthful - not anti-semetic. I guess it's more about biting the hand that feeds you, but he was stating facts, not a bigoted opinion.

    I love when happy people are happy around me - how can you NOT smile!?

    I DO read your blog daily, I just don't always get a chance to comment...but I LOVE it!

  3. Thanks Brookey! I often wonder who might be reading my silly thoughts daily. :-)
    Ok, I may try a dark color. I love my metallics for Fall. But I also love the idea of trying something new. I can dig that!

    All of a sudden the song Happy People is playing in my head. Ok, let me update my playlist and add it.
    smiles all!
