Aside from basking in the sun the past two days, I also watched Oprah's interview with Rielle Hunter. I'm sure everyone knows who she is - mistress, (perhaps now girlfriend), of former Senator & candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, John Edwards. According to Rielle, no one, not even "Johnny," as she refers to John, wanted her to do the interview. However, she had to live her truth, as she said in various ways throughout the conversation. I believe that Rielle really believes living her "truth" was to help Johnny, as she calls him, find himself or get in touch with his authentic self. Listening to her talk about the affair, the lies, the destruction of many lives, as a result of her living her "truth' made me wonder, what does it really mean to live one's truth. If your truth hurts the wellbeing of others, is it really a truth? Does living your truth mean only positive outcomes? Hmmmm, not so sure about Rielle.
What I do know is that truth means authenticity, validity, sincerity. I think living my truth has to mean living in honesty and living without giving false impressions. I believe living my truth also entails being real with what is best for me; to make choices for my highest good. I believe if I am living my truth, this will allow me to be of service and purpose in this world. Deep in my soul, I want to believe that if everyone is striving to live their truth we will draw all that is good to one another. To live my truth is to be of good use on this earth. I hope each day I move closer and closer to living my truth. I aim to be true to myself and never focus on trying to be anything but the most wonderful Cheryl Denice aka Lylah God blessed me to be. I gotta be meeeee. ;-)
In the meantime, I welcome your thoughts on Truth. Living your truth.
May you walk in the light and continue to shine this new week and new month! Sending smiles your way!
I appreciate your insights and I do agree that in order to be genuine you need to be honest about who you are, in spite of others perception. I believe Rielle did the interview in order to redeem herself. Her intention is to seduce her audience and persuade us into believing she is a woman of good character. She expresses her feelings openly and gives details in order to convince the public she's not an evil warmonger. So go ahead and believe what you want. She believes she's true to herself. What do you think? BYT, Oprah's interview was outstanding!
ReplyDeleteI watched the Oprah interview with Rielle Hunter and I wasn't buying it. As Sandy said, she wanted to woo us into thinking that she wasn't a bad person and had no ill intentions. If you know someone is married, you don't go there. Period. She didn't fall in love with him at first sight, she attempted to get to know a married man despite who else it might hurt. She can live HER truth without trying to "help" him. "Her truth" should have told her to do what is RIGHT, not get who SHE wants. A woman of good character accepts nothing less than a good man - instead of someone who was willing to cheat on his wife and betray his family. That she participated in adultery shows that she was acting selfishly, not in her "truth." Being true to yourself means doing what you know is right, regardless of what you feel or what you want and who it may hurt in the process.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog Denice!