Happy, glorious Thursday!!!! The sun is glowing bright from the clear, blue sky this morning and I'm very grateful. It's been like the Fall here in the Tri-state area, which is way too chilly for this time of year. So, welcome back warmth, we missed ya!!!! :-)

I have had a very, busy two weeks. It's been good. God is working things out as always. I'm learning that you must have faith and put in efforts and the rain will pass. The sun always comes out again. Sounds "cliche" but it's real. May has been a delightful month! Yay for May! I hope you've been open to your blessings too. Keep your heart and mind open and receive your good. :-)
So, as usual on Thursday, I have a few 2 cent tidbits. ;-) Here goes:
**Did anyone see the Miss USA pageant? I know, probably not. :-) Me neither, but I did happen to see the last 3 mintues when they announced the winner. Congrats to Miss Michigan! Yes, I know the controversy began the second the crown graced her head. Yes, I've seen the "racy" pictures of her pole dancing. Honestly, I do not think it's a big deal. Since when is pole dancing a crime? I think Ms. Fakih has personality and beauty! She is extremely thin though. I wish her well in her journey! :-)
~~ Ok, I was watching some entertainment show yesterday and what do I see? A Houston teacher giving a 13 yr. old student a "beat down." Huh? What the heck is going in schools? I mean, really. I tried to find the video, but it has been taken off the net. I would guess b/c this may go to trial. Gabriel Hahn Mosely resigned on Monday. Listen, I understand teaching is no easy gig. Some of the kids have no manners, budgets are extremely low, classrooms overcrowded and the list goes on...However, taking it out on an unruly kid in the way she did, hmmm, not ok. Kids need a foundation from home. Teachers, God bless them, need amazing patience!
**I am really inspired by our first lady, Michelle Obama. I love what she is about. She exudes a "can do" attitude. She adores her children, they come first. She is an avid activist for all children. She is about being healthy --physically and mentally. She makes me want to be a better me. She's not too shabby on fashion, either. :-)
*** I'm not watching American Idol this season. However, I heard Andrew Garcia's rendition of Straight Up by Paula Abdul and I dig it. Check it out.
~~ So, I went to the Wendy Williams show yesterday to be in the audience. What a fun time. I've been to a few talk shows here, but I have to admit this one was a blast! The studio is much smaller in real-life, as is Ms. Wendy. She is very down to earth. As they seat you, the dj is playing great music that just makes the crowd even more cheerful than they already are. We had to arrive before 8am for the live 10am taping. Isn't it ironic, about 10 years ago when Wendy was on a well-known hip hop radio station here, I didn't really care for her. However, I appreciate her being a successful, mocha woman. And I love that she's forever young at heart, but still wise (and on-point) with her business! Glad I got to experience the show. :-) "How YOU doin'?" lol
** Can New Orleans get a break? Help out if you can. I want to visit New Orleans this year. I've never been. Have to find a way to get involved. Even if it's just through tourism. :-)....Prayers go out to Nashville, as well.
That's all for now. May your day be as wonderful as you are! Sending smiles your way.
Tag you're it!
Beautiful! Thank you for the calming, yet spirit lifting music you have added to the blog.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!
Thanks, Karen. My pleasure! Have a fantastic day!