I've been thinking about friendship a lot lately. As a little girl, I always had a best friend. I think my very first best friend was Meredith Guerraro. I remember we were in 3rd grade and she always had the sweetest treats in her lunch, like fruit roll-ups or something, and she'd share with me. She also had a huge collection of smurfs. I liked going to her house because she had a cabbage patch doll that wore her own baby clothes. I was in awe because her mom kept many of her baby clothes. That was so cool to me. I mean we were 9 years old, so for her mom to still have her baby clothes was like mind blowing to me. lol. I often wonder where Meredith is today. I've tried to find her on FB, but no luck so far. I'll never forget her. Those were precious years.
By 4th grade, I had another best friend, Tuesday. One of my favorite memories was putting together a dance for the talent show Ms. Cochran let us have on Fridays. Tuesday and I created a dance to the song "Hey Mickey!" I still remember most of the steps. It was so much FUN. And we bought these mint green mini skirts and polka dots tops to wear for our performance. Ahhhhh, those were the days.
By 7th grade, I had yet another best friend, Janet Lee. We were two peas in a pod. She lived up the street from me. She had really long hair, just like me. I really liked styling hair, braiding, ponytails, whatever. So every morning before school, I'd walk up to her house and do her hair. It was fun. We rode the school bus home together every day and giggled till our cheeks were sore and tummies hurt. We went to the mall together. We had a club together--The Musical Youth Lovers. I was President, of course. :-) Wow,as I am typing this out, I'm smiling really big. Friendships really make life's burdens much lighter.
Friendship. What a wonderful gift! Now, don't get me wrong. There have been friends that have come and gone in my life. It took me a while to get over one very close pal who I loved with all my heart, but we grew apart. I realized after much prayer and thought and reflection that people come and go. It's ok. Some people come for just a little while in our lives. But each person that we really care about leaves a mark on our soul. I know each friendship I've had throughout my life has made me the person I am today. Taught me a little, made me better "me", helped me to blossom. Even if we may be on different paths now.
To me, a true friend laughs with you, cries with you, tell you like it is~gently, encourages you. She/he is someone I can talk to about everything and nothing. Someone who knows my quirks and loves me anyway. Accepts me as I am, yet roots for me to be more. A friend sees my beauty even when I can not. A friend knows when to just listen and when to just give you a shoulder to lean on. Many times we find these qualities, not in only one person, but various people.
I appreciate all the friends I've shared my trails and triumps with throughout my three decades of living. The experiences make my memories colorful and joyful.
I cherish my friends, both old and new. Friends are gems you keep close to your heart.
In honor of friendship, I found one of my favorite episodes of the Cosby Show. It's when Claire's childhood best friend comes by for a visit. They get girlie and silly, just like I would with a longtime pal. Fast forward to 5:09 minutes to see the part that I'm referring to. It will make you smile!
I also love this click from I Love Lucy with the classic best friends of all time--Ethel and Lucy. They are singing "friendship, friendship, such the perfect blendship...when other friendships are long forgot, ours will still be hot!"
This makes my heart smile. :-)
Sending hugs your way! Tag you're it!
Love the blog today! :-)