It's so ironic that for the 3rd time, I've caught a cold the 2nd day into the new year. I've come to conclude that this is my body's way of detoxing and preparing me for a new year. My body demanded that I stay inside all day yesterday and rest. It was not fun, but was necessary. I should be brand new by the weekend. :-)
I'm actually thrilled to be home right now resting and able to get my mind on track and prepare to be back in the grind, tomorrow. I have a few things I must accomplish this year. However, my most important goal is to focus and watch my words & thoughts. It's an everyday effort to align my thoughts with my actions in a positive way. I agree wholeheartedly with Cheryl Richardson, author and life coach, who says:
"Be picky. Have high standards. Don't settle for less. These are all messages that, when used appropriately, help people to live better lives. As you start your New Year, I want to invite you to be picky about something in particular - your mind. If you really want to make this year a year filled with self-love, self-acceptance, forward movement, and success, then decide right now that you'll do everything in your power to fill that beautiful mind of yours with good stuff - really good stuff."
I certainly intend to do that! I believe with that the other goals will fall into place. Don't want to think too much this year. Be wise and just do it! Better than just contemplating all day, right? :-)
What about you? What's on your agenda for 2011?
I know whatever you put your mind to do, can be done. Remember fall seven times, get up eight. Hills and dips in the road make us stronger. Let's do this!!!!
Ready, set, goooooooo!!!!
Sending renewed energy your way. Tag you're it!
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