I've been thinking about words lately. I'm sure you've realized by now, I like words, I love quotes. Words do matter. They evoke emotions, motivation. They can bring about actions, change. Words. There's a song that I hold close to my heart. It's my meditation, many days. A song we sang every Sunday at church (which is where I spent every single Sunday of my childhood until I left for college at 18 :-))
"May the words of my mouth, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight."
It's amazing that as a 9 yr. old singing that song in church, I had no idea, really, that I was affirming something beautiful. Now, I do. And I deeply want my words to be thoughtful and never harming. Some days that is a real challenge. Some days, I want to shout not-so-lovely adjectives. Some days, I have to catch myself and think before letting my words out into the universe where they can, in fact, create damage. Words matter. :-)
One woman whose words ignite hope and love and inspiration to me is Maya Angelou. Wow, what a life this lady has lived. I was watching an intriguing show on OWN (the Oprah Winfrey Network) called Master Class and Maya was the "master" for this episode.
She is one of those beings, who just oozes wisdom. Sometimes, I imagine sitting on the porch in a swing with her just listening to her stories, her adventures, her wonderfully colorful journey of living. She is a woman who knows how to use her words--for the highest good.
On this show, she began by saying 82 is hot! She was referring to her age. That is really refreshing to hear! (and rare.) I so want to be able to say that. However, first I have to be able to embrace and be proud to say my age now. I shall, I aiming...By Feb. 18.;-) I will proudly say my age with no shame, b/c frankly that's pretty dang silly to be fearful of acknowledging the years you've been shining on this earth. :-) Maya even said the 60s were the best and 70s...just great. That surely gives me something to look forward too. Yeah!!!!
From watching & listening to Maya (on that show last night), I am left with this -- she walks in her light, tall and glorious with a bright, wide smile, always teaching, living her words. She says to be a rainbow in somebody's cloud, and she surely is. She moves me to do the same! Thanks, Ms. Angelou.
My grandma Johnson @ 80th. :-) my personal inspiration.
So, I'll sign off today with two of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou:
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."
"My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return."
Sending smiles your way. Tag you're it!
— Maya Angelou
— Maya Angelou
CD, I have lately become an insatiable Maya Angelou fan. I am reading my fourth book of hers (the third in her autobiographical series. She has a stellar command of language cross-culturally. Later:)