Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Beauty in every journey

Good Monday evening! It's been a mind-stretching type of day. (Love those types of days) I'm learning that there is always more to do. I can either embrace and flow...Or be anxious and sink. I want to swim or at least float. :-)
I realized something mind-blossoming today while thinking about Oprah's latest life moment--meeting the sister she never knew she had-, and while thinking about a very close friend's bond with her mom, and family in general. I realize that it's OK that my childhood, my relationships, the way I was brought up isn't like hers, or his, or anyone's. I realize everyone gives what they have to give. If someone's cup isn't full, how on earth can they fill you, give you want you need to flourish and grow? People give you what they have in themselves. Not necessarily what they really hope to give you. It is up to us to make the best of our circumstances, become aware of how we can be better and what we need, and give it to ourselves AND make something beautiful out of ourselves and in turn our "world."

What I really see now is that there is beauty in every journey. If everyone's story was the same that would be pretty dull, boring, even stagnant. This life is like a kaleidoscope. So colorful, so many options and ways to view things. It's OK if the path has crooks and turns and pebbles and boulders. All the more interesting. All the more strength & character & wisdom building!

Here's to getting 1% better every day. Cheers! ;-)

Sending light your way. Tag you're it!

Monday, January 24, 2011

are you smiling? :-)

Hello and welcome to Sunday night! Whew. The weekend is just about a done deal. I gotta say it was VERY productive and good. Yes!

I hope your days off were filled with lots of smiles. As I ran errands this weekend, I made lots of observations. And thankfully, all of them made me smile. I'd like to share a few. I also had fun using my new camera that my dear one got me for Christmas. I just love photography. It's the best thing ever. ;-)

I took this shot walking down Mercer Avenue in Jersey City. Brownstones are awesome.

I'm fascinated with trees these days. The beauty of this one made me smile.

The oh-so-cool window of my favorite French Restaurant, Jolie, in Brooklyn.
This red wreath looks so pretty against the black door. Smiling....:-)

This classic picture of my mom holding my baby sister makes my heart happy!

A few things I couldn't capture on film this weekend delighted me too.
***While riding the subway, I overheard a mother saying "yes, sweetie" to her young daughter. I can't describe how giddy it makes me feel to hear parents speaking so kindly to their children. Engaging kids is so essential. Like feeding their souls. :-)

***Another beautiful scene on the train yesterday was a father and young son, about 7 years old, both reading a book. Double-smiles! Seeing a young boy reading magnifies my joy and seeing a boy with his dad is just extra~wonderful.

***Personal tiny triumphs this weekend: I had my first fitting for my wedding dress. I'm smiling!!! I also had 2 cake tastings, and made a decision on which one. Delish! This bride-to-be role is kinda splendid. Lots of details, but still makes ya smile. :)

Your turn. What's making you smile right now?
Sending sweet vibes your way. Tag you're it!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Two cent tidbits ;-)

Good Thursday Evening! I just love Thursdays. I have since childhood because that's when The Cosby Show came on. And because everyone else's favorite day was either Friday or Saturday...I loathed following the crowd. My theme as a teen was dare to be different. :0) So, even now, many years later, I still like Thursdays. Boo boop bee doop! lol
Three weeks into the New Year and I have a few 2cent tidbits, some silly, some helpful. What about you? I'll start:

***I think it's terrific that Michelle Obama is collaborating with Walmart to sell healthier foods (less sugar, salt, and fat) for affordable prices. This is a real effort to shrink childhood obesity and help familes get fit and eat right with no excuses.

***Did anyone watch Oprah being interviewed by Piers Morgan on Monday night? It kept me glued to the tele, for sure. Oprah's just interesting to me. What more can I say. I read not -o-lovely reviews about the interview, however. Hmmm.

***I've been on this 21 day, no excuses yoga-thon (via my dvds at home). So far so good. Except this morning I realized I strained my right shoulder when I went to reach for my purse. Ouch! I have 9 more days to go to complete the goal. Today until the 30th, I will have to cease putting any pressure whatsoever on my right shoulder/arm. :-(. In the meantime, I have to consciously remember not to carry my purse on my right side, not help myself out of a chair with my right arm, and not to even attempt to reach back with my right arm. Or I will feel the pain. Yikes.:-/

***Do you know how blessed you are to have properly functioning body parts? I'm seriously grateful for my fingers to type every day to make my living. Hands to hold. Eyes to see--albeit more clearly with contact lenses--.Legs to walk--which I do very much in this fantabulous city. And so much more. For this I am so deeply grateful. :-)

***I am still in awe that I"m getting married. Wowsers. Not to mention planning a wedding. It's truly never too late. It's so worth the wait!

***I miss the beach. Soon. We will meet again, soon, my glorious ocean. :-)

***My favorite healthy sweet treat right now is Jules Organic Strawberry Lowfat Frozen Yogurt Bars. 2 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber per serving and no high fructuse corn syrup. Mmmm Mmmmm Yummy!

***The MOMA (The Musuem of Modern Art) is calling my name. I haven't been there in years.

***Wondering if I should raise funds for clean water in developing countries or participate in the Revlon Walk for women's cancers, that I've done for 11 years--excluding last year when I raised money for Dr. Oz's charity, Health Corps.

***There's nothing like a good night's rest & a sweet dream. Ahhhh. Wishing you both.:-)

Sending peacefulness your way. Tag you're it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A few more for the Bucket.....list :-)

Good Tuesday Night! Oh, what a messy day in NYC. Slush, ice, dirty snow, go away. This week it's just pure northern winter weather. Just gotta bundle up, persevere, and think of how much more I'll appreciate the blazing sunshine, blue skies and peonies in a few more months. Ahhhhh.
So, I'm thinking about my Bucketlist again. I want to add 8 (my favorite number) more things. What about you? I'd love to hear at least one thing on your Bucketlist. Afterall, when you say something it's more likely to happen and when you WRITE something, and share it with someone, it's even more likely to become reality. ;-) So, I'll be waiting to hear from ya. If I can, you can! Let's go:

***Try silk ropes. Remember that beautiful flying in the air type performance Pink did last year? Well, I wanna try it. Anything's worth trying at least once.

***Jet Ski, again. I've only done it once and it was amazzzzzzzzzzing. I gotta do it again!

***Design a baby-Tee. :-)
picture by Nicole Mountz

***Learn how to cook a good chicken soup.

***Co-design my wedding dress. ;-)
***Oprah show. Come on, it's still possible. :-)


***Go bike riding in an exoctic and beautiful country.

Sending vivid imagination your way. Tag you're it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

May the words of my mouth....:-)

Hello and welcome to Monday! A new week. The day we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. If you woke up, you got a new chance to be better, feel good, spread love. :-) Let's go!
I've been thinking about words lately. I'm sure you've realized by now, I like words, I love quotes. Words do matter. They evoke emotions, motivation. They can bring about actions, change. Words. There's a song that I hold close to my heart. It's my meditation, many days. A song we sang every Sunday at church (which is where I spent every single Sunday of my childhood until I left for college at 18 :-))
"May the words of my mouth, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight."

It's amazing that as a 9 yr. old singing that song in church, I had no idea, really, that I was affirming something beautiful. Now, I do. And I deeply want my words to be thoughtful and never harming. Some days that is a real challenge. Some days, I want to shout not-so-lovely adjectives. Some days, I have to catch myself and think before letting my words out into the universe where they can, in fact, create damage. Words matter. :-)

One woman whose words ignite hope and love and inspiration to me is Maya Angelou. Wow, what a life this lady has lived. I was watching an intriguing show on OWN (the Oprah Winfrey Network) called Master Class and Maya was the "master" for this episode.

She is one of those beings, who just oozes wisdom. Sometimes, I imagine sitting on the porch in a swing with her just listening to her stories, her adventures, her wonderfully colorful journey of living. She is a woman who knows how to use her words--for the highest good.

On this show, she began by saying 82 is hot! She was referring to her age. That is really refreshing to hear! (and rare.) I so want to be able to say that. However, first I have to be able to embrace and be proud to say my age now. I shall, I aiming...By Feb. 18.;-) I will proudly say my age with no shame, b/c frankly that's pretty dang silly to be fearful of acknowledging the years you've been shining on this earth. :-) Maya even said the 60s were the best and 70s...just great. That surely gives me something to look forward too. Yeah!!!!

From watching & listening to Maya (on that show last night), I am left with this -- she walks in her light, tall and glorious with a bright, wide smile, always teaching, living her words. She says to be a rainbow in somebody's cloud, and she surely is. She moves me to do the same! Thanks, Ms. Angelou.

My grandma Johnson @ 80th. :-) my personal inspiration.

So, I'll sign off today with two of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou:
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one."

"My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return."

Sending smiles your way. Tag you're it!

— Maya Angelou

— Maya Angelou

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Believe it or not...

Hello and welcome to Wednesday night. What a great day! Snow and all. It was fun walking in 8 inches of snow this morning. Nothing like fresh, white, fluffy snow! The best part was that the commute into the city was a piece of cake. It's the little things. :-)
Does anyone believe in the law of attraction? I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Maybe because I'm rereading some chapters of The Secret. I certainly have come to believe that whether I co-sign on the "law of attraction" or not, it is happening all the time. It's happening whether I think positive or good or wonderful thoughts or whether I think sad, desperate, or hopeless thoughts. It's just the way it is. So I figure I might as well think the better thoughts.

I just find it so amazing how powerful the mind is. It really is fascinating what we can think ourselves into. We can make, almost, anything true or real if we deeply, truly believe it. It's funny, even subsciously we are manifesting what we deeply believe. Soooooooooo interesting.

Becoming aware is the trick. Aware of what we truly believe. Aware of what we are thinking and dwelling on. Aware of the power within.

On that note, take a look at each of these colorful pictures. How do you feel? What do you feel? Just curious. :-)

Sending good thoughts your way. Tag you're it!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Count it all joy

Happy Monday night! Ok, I'm considering this week a Take 2 for the first week of the new year. Last week was a tad tough. I'm so grateful I'm finally feeling more like myself--the sinus blues are just about gone. Yay! Nothing like a weekend inside with a few boxes of Puffs (tissue), a gallon of water, meds, a journal, laptop, and prayer. :-)
photo by dear one. what an awesome sky!

What an tragic weekend. My prayers and comforting thoughts go out to all the loved ones of the victims in Arizona as well as those harmed/recovering from that monstrous episode last Saturday. The amazing thing is that Gabrielle Gibbons is still alive and responsive. Not taking for granted that she has a long, challenging road ahead of her. One twinkle of light in all of this is that she is alive. I remember the first reports said she was not. 

In life, many times darkness direct us to the light. Sometimes, we can't rationalize, understand, explain the experiences of this journey. Sometimes, even in such horrific--what seems like senseless-- loss, something positive can be born....I hope.
I will love the light for it shows me the way.  Yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ~Og Mandino
Right now, even in the midst of this...., this world and all it's disappointment, pain, confusion, and sometimes chaos, it is the perfect time to give thanks.

Today, I am so very grateful for awareness, forgiveness, healing, mercy, second chances, and a new day to be better. A new awakening for our country to bring us back to the light.
Sending unwavering faith your way. Tag you're it!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Right on time :-)

"Just when the caterpillar thought his life was over... he turned into a butterfly." I dig this quote because it's so true. Just when I feel worn out, have a headache, am exhausted from the hustle & bustle of the nyc commute, am wondering how I'm gonna make things happen in the next few months AND when I'm fighting a sinus infection....the mailman leaves some GOOD, Smile~inducing mail today. Yes!!!

I got home from my first day of work in 2011 feeling blah and ready to relax, with lots on my mind. Ready to be feeling enthusiastic and revived, yet not quite there yet....So I shuffle through my mail and to my delight I have two special letters not from Discover, MBNA, Chase, or any of the other banks anxious to lend me moula. :-) I don't know about you, but I really, really, really enjoy getting an old-fashioned letter. It just feels nice! It's like an antique these days to get stamped, mailed letters. I cherish them. I was so happy to receive one from a thoughtful new friend today. It really made my week! :-)

To top that off, I also got an extra-special letter from my dad. What a grateful gal I am!

And that's why the quote, I began with tonight, popped into my head. The universe ALWAYS gives me what I need. God is always, always, always on time. Totally awesome! :-)

One more thing TRULY touched my heart this evening....A homeless man in Cleveland gets a new start thanks to his stellar "radio voice." It's just beautiful. This reminds me that there is simply always hope. No matter what. No matter how long things may seem to be taking before they take off. The storm never lasts forever. With belief and work....the dream will come alive. The sun surely shines again. Read/watch:

Sending abundance your way. Tag you're it!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Happy Tuesday! I wish I could say I'm feeling simply marvelous, but I'm not quite yet. Still fighting this ugly cold. Just reminds to really appreciate when I'm well and energized. This too shall pass. My throat will feel healthy again. In the meantime, I am still grateful I'm not too weak to type. :-)

So, how's your new year so far? Just in the last couple of days, I've gotten 3 new cell phone numbers from family and friends, and learned of 4 engagements. New beginnings for folks. Sounds pretty awesome to me. I was happy to learn that Sherri Shepard from the View is engaged. She has talked about wanting to find love a lot on the show. Glad she found it!

So, on a completely different subject, how long do you keep your holidays cards out? I'm sitting here looking at about 10 different cards as I share with you. I love cards. Especially when they are personalized. I usually keep my cards in view about a month post holiday or birthday. Then, I put the very special ones in a box. The ones that have handwritten notes, I keep visible for years. It's always a boost to read beautiful words written to me from a loved one. What could be better than that when you're home alone with a horrible cold? :-)

Has anyone seen the new show The Talk on CBS? I've seen it twice, it's ok. It's very much like the View, of course. Today, Nicole Richie was the guest. I must admit I was impressed by the woman she has blossomed into. She is a far cry from the spoiled, materialistic brat she appeared to be 8 years ago on that show with her former bff, Paris Hilton. Transformation is a wonderful thing. We all have the power within to grow into the person we deeply long to be. Just keep swimming! ;-)

Speaking of swimming, I sure look forward to sunshine and blue seas later this year. I just gotta keep warm and cozy for the these next few months.....And get in shape too!

Until manana, stay well and don't forget to smile (today).

Sending good health your way. Tag you're it!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ready, set, go!!!! :-)

Hello and welcome to 2011! We're here. We made it. Are you ready to make this your best year yet? I'm sure aiming for that. Every day is a new opportunity to be better.

It's so ironic that for the 3rd time, I've caught a cold the 2nd day into the new year. I've come to conclude that this is my body's way of detoxing and preparing me for a new year. My body demanded that I stay inside all day yesterday and rest. It was not fun, but was necessary. I should be brand new by the weekend. :-)

I'm actually thrilled to be home right now resting and able to get my mind on track and prepare to be back in the grind, tomorrow. I have a few things I must accomplish this year. However, my most important goal is to focus and watch my words & thoughts. It's an everyday effort to align my thoughts with my actions in a positive way. I agree wholeheartedly with Cheryl Richardson, author and life coach, who says:
"Be picky.  Have high standards.  Don't settle for less.  These are all messages that, when used appropriately, help people to live better lives.  As you start your New Year, I want to invite you to be picky about something in particular - your mind.  If you really want to make this year a year filled with self-love, self-acceptance, forward movement, and success, then decide right now that you'll do everything in your power to fill that beautiful mind of yours with good stuff - really good stuff." 

I certainly intend to do that! I believe with that the other goals will fall into place. Don't want to think too much this year. Be wise and just do it! Better than just contemplating all day, right? :-)
What about you? What's on your agenda for 2011?
I know whatever you put your mind to do, can be done. Remember fall seven times, get up eight. Hills and dips in the road make us stronger. Let's do this!!!!
Ready, set, goooooooo!!!!
Sending renewed energy your way. Tag you're it!