So I am wondering a few things....Curious to know what others may think. Here goes;-):
~Is it me or does America or at the society I'm living in right now, just really not honor aging? I am so sick of seeing commercial after commercial telling me how to anti-age. I mean wouldn't anti-aging mean to cease existing? Growing older aka being alive should be something to be proud of. Something to give thanks about, especially if you're pain free, brain~functioning, and able to love & smile, right? :-)
~I was rereading one of my favorite books this morning, A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, and was reminded that I am the star of my life. Sometimes, I forget that--this--what I do, what I put my energy towards, every single day --is my life story, my feature film. I must remember it's not a dress rehearsal. This is it. Do you ever think about that?
~Where's the most magical place you've ever been? A place where you felt like you were in another world and time. A place where you discovered how tremendously wondrous God's green earth really is. A place where you felt closer to humanity. So far, for me, that was Egypt. I pray for her peace.
~Do you ever try visualizing? I do even when I'm not trying. It's just imagining, sometimes. Dreaming in color, I tend to think. I'm visualizing a few things for the upcoming months. I'm giddy with excitement. What about you?
That's all for tonight. I say YES to the weekend. Bring on the fun! :-)
Sending curiosity your way. Tag you're it!
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