Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

inspired to go higher:-)

Oh what a day! I'm ever-so-grateful for experiencing a good Monday. It's pretty terrific when the week starts off just fine.:-) Plus, it's only 2 more days and I'm off until 2011. Yes!
I'm sure you've figured out by now, I'm a gal that feeds off of inpiration. I receive it from the beauty of the ocean, the glow of the sunshine, words from wise souls~ young and old. There are so many ways I have been moved in my life. Today I was especially awed by someone I've come to call a sister~friend in the last 4 years.

I've described her as walking sunshine to many. I've yet to meet a person who is always up (cheerful, simply delighted to be alive), who has an unwavering sense of self, self-respect, self-love, self-confidence and inner peace, which she allows nothing and no one to shake. I've observed her way of riding the waves of life, and I've learned a thing or two by doing so. She has an aura that makes folks just feel like opening up to her. It's rare. She is always giving of herself, in a genuine, caring way. She gives 100% no matter what she is doing. One thing, I immediately found so beautiful about my friend is that she ALWAYS says thank you AND you're welcome. No matter what. Whether it be a simple email or a birthday gift, this lady never fails to respond with a friendly "thank you." After about a year, I was thinking ok, eventually she'll get lazy and NOT say thank you. No way. Not only consistent thank-yous, but alsowhenever, I've said thank you for anything she's given me, she glowingly says, "you're welcome." lol. This simple gesture, means more than you could ever know. ;-) Acknowledgment rocks!

In life, I believe we attract people that we need to teach us lessons. Some stay forever, some are in our lives for just a season. I know for sure this gal pal, sunbeam, has taught me to see how grand and lovely and precious life is on a daily basis. Not only when things are fine and dandy. She reminded me of what I've always known about life~it is a gift, we must never take for granted. Just by walking in her magnificence, she helped move me into my better self. She is lives in light. And just as Mandela and Marianne Williamson has been quoted as saying, as my friend walks in her light and shines, she inpires me to dare to do the same. God is good about sending us "reminders" in the form of human angels. :-)

Today, sunbeam shared some amazing news. I already knew she had recently completed her masters in clinicial biology (to become a research scientist). Little did I know that she had also proposed a new position at a leading hospital in NYC, presented it to her professors/mentors and GOT it. Her vision was realized. Her hardwork, her overflowing confidence, and her tremendous well of love from her closeknit family and friends helped to make her dream a reality. She is a living proof that if you can see it you CAN be it.  As she says often, just have faith, work hard, believe in yourself with all your being, and God will take care of everything. What an amazing way to live. I'm so proud of her!

It was so invigorating to rejoice in the good tidings of someone close to heart. What a way to start off the last two weeks of the year!

For this I am so grateful.

Sending sundrops of love your way. Tag you're it!

1 comment:

  1. I am SOOOOOO TOUCHED by your kind words written here, my sister! I am so blessed to know you and I know that you are destined for GREATNESS!!!!!!! I love you with all of my heart!!!!!!

    Your sister forever and ever!!!!!!!!


    Sandra :-)
