Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

perfect 10.

Happy day after 10.10.10! How awesome is that day? Supposedly, there were 35,000 weddings held on this date. I'm sure next year on 9.10.11 there will be even more celebrations. That date is just too cool!
So let's talk in tens. I'll go first, then you! :-)
Ten things to say Yes to:

+Sleep-- let's face we need it to be healthy, calm, lovable humans!
+Laughter. I try to get a good dose or two daily. It makes EVERYTHING just so much better. It is truly essential to the soul's care.
+Moving....your body, that is. No pain, no gain. ;-)
+Give. Whether it's a hello to a neighbor, office mate, random person on the street, share a sweet word or simple how are ya?. Giving of ourselves can make a real difference in someone's life.

+Trying something new/different. Why not? That's called living. :-)
+Sunshine. It is good for the body, mind, mood. (just remember sunblock and don't over expose)
+Photos. Memories are just priceless!
+Forgiveness. It's freeing!

Now you tell me.
p.s. it's pouring rain here, lightening and thundering. wow. approximately 8:34pm. Hope it stops really soon. :)

Sending peace your way. Tag you're it!

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