Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My cup runneth over!

Happy Wednesday! I"m back. Ahhhh. I'm so thrilled to have a new laptop after almost 6 weeks without one. For anyone who knows me well, that was quite challenging. :-) But, it was also good for my soul. I need a detox of being online for hours at home, after a full day of being online at work. The universe always gives us what we really, really need. :-)

So much has happened in the last month. Summer is unofficially over--since Labor Day has come and gone. Wow. I have to say it was the best summer ever! I really enjoyed it. I hope you did too. Now, I'm open and receptive to a new season. A season of good change and renewal and rejuvenation and success!
This is the season of new beginnings, particularly, all the tv shows begin again either this week or next week. One of my all-time favorite shows began this week, The Oprah Winfrey Show. And this is a very special season as it is her farewell. I can honestly remember her promo 25 years ago about her show. I remember the commercial had people in the street saying "Oprah's coming, Oprah's coming!" From that point on I was curious to know who this Oprah was. I was just a teenager, but I was so drawn to this bubbly, honest, well-spoken, smart woman. I've followed Oprah's life and shows for all those 25 years. I've taken some of her advice. I've cried with her. I've laughed with her--via the tv, of course. I've had thousands of discussions -- sparked by something she said or something I'd seen on her show. I've lived Oprah. :0)
I had my alarm wake me up at 1am on Tuesday morning to watch Monday's show. Who knew this would become a crying fest for me? :-) I sat up in my bed watching, reminiscing and laughing with Oprah, John Travolta and the ultimate viewers in the audience. How blessed are they? I was amazed that tears were not simply just flowing from my eyes as I watched the show. I was actually c-r-y-i-n-g--I call it the "huff, huff" cry, b/c I was doing that broken breathing thing that you do when you are deeply crying from your soul. I think it was because I grew up with her. I went through adolescence with her. I went to college with her. I had my first real relationships watching her. I went through changes with her. I am not sure if I'm relaying what I felt very well. But I think you get it. :-)

Now, I had heard she was taking the audience to Australia, so I wasn't surprised when I saw that portion of the show. However, when she announced it. When I saw her excitement, I could feel her joy and I could certainly feel the overwhelming gratitude and exhilaration of the audience. I know how each of those folks in the audience feels, but they are just like me--they have grown up with Oprah.We feel a connection with her. I am so grateful for Oprah because she made me become self-aware. Thanks to watching and listening to so many wonderful teachers, leaders and motivators on her show, as well as just ordinary people tell their stories on her show, I was learning more about myself. I was becoming a better me. And now, 25 years later, I am living my best life ever--(or at least on the road to my best life right now). How divine that as Oprah leaves the airwaves, I am a whole person now, I now love myself fully, and I have attained inner peace today. Job superbly done, Ms. Winfrey. On to the next fantastically great chapter of living! That goes for Oprah and myself and YOU.
                                                                     Photo by me--view from the airplane. ;-)
Are you ready to make the next chapter of your journey phenomenally beautiful? I sure am!
We can do this!
Thank you so much for sharing with me.

Sending enthusiasm you way. Tag you're it!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back!!!! Glad you got a new laptop. I know exactly how it feels to be without one :( I've had my Mac book for almost 4 years and LOVE IT!

    Oprah has inspired many of us and touched our lives in more ways than one. There are countless lessons learned from her. I hope she continues to be a catalyst to our personal/professional goals and achievements.

    Love ya,
