Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twinkle ;-)

Good Monday Evening. You made it! It's been a rainy fall day in NYC. Freshening up the trees! So how was your weekend? My weekend was totally awesome! (I"m a child of the 80s, and that phrase has stuck with me. lol).
My cousin Michelle came up to visit me from Arizona. We had a ball! It's always so much fun discovering more about NYC when I have a loved one stay over. I get to do some things I probably never would. We went to see Fela on Broadway. Wow! What an energizing show and fantastic learning experience about Fela Kuti. Also, the dancers were PHENOMENAL! I mean just watching them move I felt like I lost 10 pounds~! :-) Excellent show. What a great weekend to be in NYC, we had summer weather. Always love it when I get to wear a sundress. So glad Michelle got to come up. I adore my cousin. She is so kind, smart, giving and curious. Just pure southern charm and sweetness!
                                                                      Me and Mimi @ South Street Seaport

I have a lot on my mind today. But before I mention a few things. Gotta "celebrate Monday." I am so grateful for all the goodness flowing through my life right now. I have to take time to make note. ;-) What about you?
God is showing me each day how precious life is. More and more I appreciate the little things like a clear, blue sky, the scent of a gardenia candle, the sound of my nephew's voice, my cousin's awe at the crowded streets of the Big Apple to the big things like my health, my home, my family, my friends, and the man who makes me laugh till my cheeks hurt and appreciates me for all that I am and will be that it makes my heart overflow..with joy. Life is so big. It sure ain't easy, but it's surely much smoother when I stay in a mind of gratitude and love.
Now, I can't help but ask what do you think about the Bishop Eddie Long story? Even as I type this, I'm feeling people are like "what's so surprising....?" I don't have much to say about it. It's sad. And his "speech" yesterday didn't move me at all. In fact, it almost turned me off even more. Tell me what you think.

What's up with the breakups? George Lopez and his wife. She gave him her kidney. What happened???? I was sad to hear that they are calling it quits. And Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey. Bummer. I really hate to hear about breakups of folks I thought were compatible, healthy couples.

Speaking of couples, I do really like two couples on the DC housewives--Stacie Scott Turner and her hubby and Lynda Erkiletian and her chocolate beau. Nice seeing couples support, love and encourage one another. :-)
 Real life couples I admire: My uncle Ronnie and aunt Joanne; my cousin Candace & her hubby, my cousin Danielle & her hubby, and gal pal Karen & her hubby. These particular couples I know personally, and I've observed their unions blossom, grow stronger and overflow with love, patience, laughter, and joy. They compromise to make the best of their lives together. They nurture themselves which in essence nurtures their children. They are lights in the world just by being their best, they inspire me to be my best. Relationships are work. However, I know for sure anything worth having takes effort and energy--- but the payoff is so amazing!

Sending light your way. SHINE. Tag you're it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

You tell me....;-)

Happy, sunshiney Wednesday! It's the first day of Fall and we're having an Indian Summer here in NYC. Yay! That totally makes my day. Going up to about 82 degrees today. Life is good. :-).

So, I want to hear from you today. I have to say this was someone's FB post today and I'm "lifting" it. ;-) It's a common topic of discussion, and I'd love to read your thoughts. Simply fill in the blank, Marriage is _________. 

I await your response. In the meantime, may all that is peaceful and prosperous be yours right now!:-)
Sending love your way. Tag you're it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't forget to smile today! ;-)

Good morning and WELCOME to Tuesday! I'm thrilled to see a new day!!!! I had a rough Monday, but all turned out just dandy by the time I closed my eyes to sweet dreams. Ahhhhhh, just had to keep breathing and keep smiling!

So let's talk about smiling, music and life. You know for about 8 years I had an answering machine and at the end of my outgoing message I had this phase that I said, which was "don't forget to smile today." I sounded extra-perky and it eventually began my "theme" message. lol. Really, folks--friends, family would begin responding to the "don't forget to smile today" at the end of whatever message they were leaving me. I believe the words were working the magic that we sometimes forget words have the power to do--they were making folks smile by just listening. :-)
When I changed my vmail message, everyone asked 'what happened to your don't forget to smile today'? That made me smile. Words matter.

I know, at times, I get so caught up in my "life" feeling a tad frustrated or overwhelmed that I forget to smile. I'm learning that it's really all about how I react to the "stuff" that life throws me. I must keep breathing and remember to smile. I mean really consciously inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale, concentrate on centering myself in the midst of the madness by breathing. This brings me back to the now and reminds me that, really, right now all is well. No matter WHAT mistake, mishap, human error I may have made. Right now, I'm still alive, breathing, and capable of doing what I need to do to resolve the issue and keep on trucking! :-) Ain't that simply divine, ya'll?

What about music? I don't mean to sound trite, however music really makes my day. I specifically searched for a few songs to add to my playlist (here on my blog) that make me smile. The first 8 songs really make me feel good. If you need a boost or just a smile, listen to them, especially the words. Music is a blues elixir. I am so deeply grateful for it. (Listen to the words of Smile, :-)).
This chickadee always makes me smile, Maddycakes!
I leave you with these quotes from Oprah:  The best of life is NOW.
Sending exhiliration your way. Tag you're it!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Two Cent Tidbits ;-)

Hello and welcome to Friday! YES! I am so ready for the weekend. I've been so fatigued all week. Good day to come home from work and destress with a cup of warm ginger tea & cozy socks :-), journal, and catchup with a few out-of-town loved ones.
I have lots on my mind. What about you? I'd love to hear/read your two cent tidbits too. Here goes:
**Thunder in NYC/Jersey was a bit terrifying yesterday evening. It sounded like a gigantic drum was pounded by the Green Giant. (remember him from the Green Giant pea commercials?) Wow.
It poured for about 30 minutes. Then, beautifully, the sun came out for the last 45 minutes of the evening. As this happened, I was in transit--outside--coming from, walking home. The thought that immediately came to mind as the rain ceased was that it is really so true--rain doesn't last forever. I believe this literally in all things.

**I'm very excited about my cousin Michelle's visit next Thursday. I have a ton of fun planned for us. I'm especially looking forward to seeing Fela on Broadway with Patti Labelle. Yay! & Atlantic Antic in Brooklyn on Sunday. Curry crab, here I come! :-)

**Was anybody offended by Chelsea Handler's antics as host of the VMAs on Sunday?

**I was really cold yesterday morning. Farewell my sweet summer. See ya next year. "I welcome Fall. Fall is nice. Fall is my friend. Fall is change. Fall is new beginnings"....I'm saying mantras to move into the new season with a happy heart. :-)
**I rarely go to comedy shows, but I just realized I'm seeing two comedians in the next two months: Kevin Hart and then Tracy Morgan--totally independent of each other. Whoo hoo! Laughter heals the soul.

**I've been on the new Nate Berkus show twice already. I love his studio set. He's really a natural at engaging guests. And his show gives some really good info. I learned that if you don't use the video feature on your computers just cover it with a piece of tape or something....You never know whose lurking out there in cyberspace. If you are a fan of Nate, you may see me in the audience of the show when he interviews actress, Julianne Moore. I don't know when it airs yet...Checking website soon. :-)

**I like watching Stacie and her hubby on the Real Housewives of DC. They seem very healthy in their marriage and as individuals. So rare to see this on any of the "Housewives" shows. I'm so not interested in watching the OC or Bev. Hill versions of "Housewives." I will be watching the new season of ATL. That's what got me hooked on NYC and DC. Lordy~ :-)

**I have to budget better this Fall and Winter. :-) Yes I can!

**My youngest nephew turned 4 yesterday. Happy Birthday Makiah! Auntie loves you!!!

**I read a really good article about being chronically late. This is probably my biggest pet peeve. The author wrote:  What you may be unaware of...

>You have probably lost friends and business over this issue and are not aware of it.

>Running late can be a passive-aggressive way of controlling those around you.
>If you cause your spouse to be late with you, you are embarrassing him/her by causing them to be late too.

>You may have a fear of success and running late is a form of self-sabotage.


**November is gonna be a month of celebrations! I'm open and receptive to all the good and abundance of the universe.

Signing off.
Sending smiles your way. Tag you're it!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My cup runneth over!

Happy Wednesday! I"m back. Ahhhh. I'm so thrilled to have a new laptop after almost 6 weeks without one. For anyone who knows me well, that was quite challenging. :-) But, it was also good for my soul. I need a detox of being online for hours at home, after a full day of being online at work. The universe always gives us what we really, really need. :-)

So much has happened in the last month. Summer is unofficially over--since Labor Day has come and gone. Wow. I have to say it was the best summer ever! I really enjoyed it. I hope you did too. Now, I'm open and receptive to a new season. A season of good change and renewal and rejuvenation and success!
This is the season of new beginnings, particularly, all the tv shows begin again either this week or next week. One of my all-time favorite shows began this week, The Oprah Winfrey Show. And this is a very special season as it is her farewell. I can honestly remember her promo 25 years ago about her show. I remember the commercial had people in the street saying "Oprah's coming, Oprah's coming!" From that point on I was curious to know who this Oprah was. I was just a teenager, but I was so drawn to this bubbly, honest, well-spoken, smart woman. I've followed Oprah's life and shows for all those 25 years. I've taken some of her advice. I've cried with her. I've laughed with her--via the tv, of course. I've had thousands of discussions -- sparked by something she said or something I'd seen on her show. I've lived Oprah. :0)
I had my alarm wake me up at 1am on Tuesday morning to watch Monday's show. Who knew this would become a crying fest for me? :-) I sat up in my bed watching, reminiscing and laughing with Oprah, John Travolta and the ultimate viewers in the audience. How blessed are they? I was amazed that tears were not simply just flowing from my eyes as I watched the show. I was actually c-r-y-i-n-g--I call it the "huff, huff" cry, b/c I was doing that broken breathing thing that you do when you are deeply crying from your soul. I think it was because I grew up with her. I went through adolescence with her. I went to college with her. I had my first real relationships watching her. I went through changes with her. I am not sure if I'm relaying what I felt very well. But I think you get it. :-)

Now, I had heard she was taking the audience to Australia, so I wasn't surprised when I saw that portion of the show. However, when she announced it. When I saw her excitement, I could feel her joy and I could certainly feel the overwhelming gratitude and exhilaration of the audience. I know how each of those folks in the audience feels, but they are just like me--they have grown up with Oprah.We feel a connection with her. I am so grateful for Oprah because she made me become self-aware. Thanks to watching and listening to so many wonderful teachers, leaders and motivators on her show, as well as just ordinary people tell their stories on her show, I was learning more about myself. I was becoming a better me. And now, 25 years later, I am living my best life ever--(or at least on the road to my best life right now). How divine that as Oprah leaves the airwaves, I am a whole person now, I now love myself fully, and I have attained inner peace today. Job superbly done, Ms. Winfrey. On to the next fantastically great chapter of living! That goes for Oprah and myself and YOU.
                                                                     Photo by me--view from the airplane. ;-)
Are you ready to make the next chapter of your journey phenomenally beautiful? I sure am!
We can do this!
Thank you so much for sharing with me.

Sending enthusiasm you way. Tag you're it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Well, hello there! :-)

Hi! It's been a while. I've missed blogging. I was determined to share a little with you today. It's Monday and the sun is going down. Ahhhhhhh, what a beautiful day it was! I hope you are having a peaceful evening or morning or whatever time of the day it is that you're reading this. :-)

It's celebrate Monday! And wow I'm overflowing with joy and gratefulness right now because I have so much to celebrate. I have to share my deep gratitude for so much in my life right now. First and foremost the inner peace and self-love that I've worked so diligently at attaining for the past 15 years of my life is now something I own. I own who I am and appreciate it all. It is an amazingly wonderful feeling. It's like once I started loving myself and truly seeing my value, a door to a universe of love and appreciation just opened up. The more you love the more you are loved. It's really as simple as that. You become a magnet to love and it begins with loving yourself.

Ok, so let's go. Today I celebrate:
**Waking up with purpose! All my five senses working perfectly well. Love.
**Everyone who makes me smile. My BBP aka my fiance, my mom, my sweet uncle Dane, my nephews, my godbaby Maddy, Nicole and SO many friends and family. Thank you!
**The beginning of a new chapter in my journey. I'm engaged to a wonderful, understanding, loving, kind, intelligent, sincere man who makes me laugh till my cheeks hurt and warms my heart. It took me loving myself to finally receive beautiful love from another, and I am very grateful to share the rest of my life with him. :-)

**Sunshine. Always.
**My Live Your Best Live dress. :-)
**Mindfulness. The ability to be mindful.
photo taken by Amanda, my colleague, in Israel
**Going to Atlanta for the Labor day weekend. Yippee!
**Brooklyn. Yep, I celebrate BK. It's a fantastic borough!!!!
**My precious grandma Johnson. She called me Sunday night to congratulate me and asked me two simple questions--does he love me and do I love him. When I answered her with an enthusiastic Y-E-S, she said well that's all that matters. I take her words as gold. She was married for 53 years to my granddaddy Johnson, until he went on home. So I value her pearls of wisdom about marriage. :-)
**Lastly for today, I celebrate the end of a productive, good day. Yay!
Your turn!!!

I wanna leave you with a song I heardyesterday. (pause the music on here to watch/listen) It was an episode of Sanford and Son and it really made me smile. I hope it does the same for you! "La dee dee, de la dee da, tis autumn!"

Sending good vibes your way. Tag you're it!

Today, contemplate the truth that it is God’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Understand that your part is to graciously accept. This moment by moment acceptance will ultimately transform any tendencies toward mediocrity. It will create within you a response of strength, confidence and a willingness to authentically express more of your true nature. Prepare yourself for success. ~Michael Bernard Beckwith