How was your weekend? I had a blast! I got to see one of my all-time favorite gospel groups, The Clark Sisters, perform for free at Summerstage in Central Park. It was exhilirating! Have you ever been through something and you came through stronger, wiser, happier, and just plain better than you were before? I know we all have. I know when I go through a storm and make it back to the sunshine I want to share my joy. What I'm really sharing is a testimony. When we share what we've been through sometimes, it has the power to encourage someone else. That's exactly what the sisters were doing on Saturday. It was an amazing, joyful day. Through their words and through their golden voices I know I was blessed that warm, sunshiney afternoon. :-) God bless them for being a blessing to so many. Music makes my heart happy. There is power in words and song.
I hope everyone reading this right now knows that you are blessed and highly favored. It is no mistake that you are alive right now. You are here for a purpose. You matter. You are necessary. Claim your blessing and continue to be a blessing. Whether you realize it or not, you are making a difference in someone's life right now. Embrace this day. Rejoice and be glad in it! Live! :-)
Today I am so very grateful to be sharing with you again. Gotta celebrate Monday. So here we go.
**I woke up refreshed and blessed. (It may sound silly, but if you woke up with all your senses in check, no aches & pains, and a healthy mind that is something worth celebrating!)
**A wonderful weekend with my BBP.
**Sunshine. I love it. It just makes me feel good to see it beaming in the pale blue sky. :-)
**My aunt's (twins) Joyce and Janice's 50th bday was yesterday. My mom and others got to celebrate with them on Saturday. They all had a ball! :-)
**My brother called me just to say "hey." That always make me smile. :-)

**School begins today in Georgia. My nephew Simeon starts Kindergarten today. Yes!
**Scallops. They're just yummy. :-)
**A good stretch. It releases tension.
**YOU. I celebrate you! I thank you for reading my blog today.
Your turn! :-)
Sending smiles your way. Tag you're it! May you experience only success, peace, joy and
laughter this week!
Cheryl, ditto to being sound in mind and body; without either you are hamstrung from the jump. Cute pic, again, of you and C; tell him I said hey. I'll be looking for Simeon this year! I'm gone:)