Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What's your best advice?

Happy Tuesday! 
So, I was watching ABC news with Diane Sawyer last night and was quite intrigued with her interview with Professor Stephen W. Hawkings. Very interesting man. A theoretical physicist. A father. A teacher. He has earned and received numerous awards and honors, I can't even begin to name each one.
He also has a motor neuro-muscular dystrophy, ALS, a condition that has progressed over the years and has left him almost completely paralyzed.
I'd like to share a few things he said that opened my mind and heart a little wider.
**In a interview with BBC television concerning disability (from Prof. Hawkings' website):
Why do you feel you have been given celebrity status as a scientist? Do you think your disability has a bearing on that?

I'm sure my disability has a bearing on why I'm well known. People are fascinated by the contrast between my very limited physical powers, and the vast nature of the universe I deal with. I'm the archetype of a disabled genius, or should I say a physically challenged genius, to be politically correct. At least I'm obviously physically challenged. Whether I'm a genius is more open to doubt.

**Last night, Diane Sawyer asked Prof. Hawkings what are 3 pieces of advice he has given his children. I found his response to be wondefully wise.
1.  Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. 
2.  Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.
3.  If you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away.
What's the best advice you've ever received and/or given?
I believe one of the most useful pieces of advice I've ever received was that if you believe in yourself, you can really do anything. It really took me many years to finally come to really love and like all that I am. To really believe from the depths of my being, that no matter what, I am worthy. I am good. I am a blessing. Despite my flaws, my mess-ups, my humanness. When I began loving myself 100%, everything became brighter. It's like I am breathing easier now. Ahhhhhh. Probably because there is a peace you receive when you come to terms with your value and let nothing alter how you feel about yourself. 

Though it may sound like a cliche, it's really real: when you love yourself others really begin to love you too. Your spirit attracts love and goodness. You simply begin to attract what you are radiating. :-)

Here's to a beautifully blessed day! Sending enthusiasm your way. Tag you're it!

1 comment:

  1. Denice, You are a true blessing, and I am so thankful to have you and your friendship in my life...I Love You Girlie! xoxox
