Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You tell me

Tuesday has come and almost gone, hope it was a good one for you. I have been so sleepy all day, but amazingly quite productive. :-) I only have one tidbit today and the rest are questions, or rather ponderisms (I think I may have just made up a word here, lol). Here goes.

~how do you keep yourself going when you're totally pooped?

~could you go a week without TV?

~does distance really make the heart grow fonder -- even when you're married?

~isn't it interesting that we are older longer than we are younger yet aging is still not something many embrace?

~what's the best thing about 2010 so far?

Two cent tidbit:
When you find yourself not-so-thrilled about all the things you have to get done throughout the day and you hear that little complaining voice in your head, change your "have to" to "get to." Choose a particular task or situation in your life that feels like a burden and try substituting "have to" to "get to" and see if you get a different perspective. i.e. "Now I get to do the dishes" just might make me feel grateful for the fact that I was blessed to share another warm, healthy meal, served on lovely plates that I am very grateful to own. Hmm, I'm definitely going to incorporate this tip into my daily living. I must give credit to James Baraz & Shoshana Alexander, the authors of Awakening Joy, for this nugget of knowledge.

I'm eager to read your two cent tidbits and/or responses to my ponderisms too. In the meantime, keep smiling!

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