Be. Love.

Be. Love.
A Gal Riding the Waves

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This or that? ;-)

Hello and welcome glorious, lovely summertime! Can you feel the heat? I sure can in peachtree city aka the ATL. :-)

So, I'm starting out the sunshiney season with a little of "this or that". Random thoughts that make me think hmmm, what/which do I really prefer. Here goes:

*** Who does better voice~overs Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones? Gosh, my first thought is to say Morgan...hmmmm. :-)

***Smoothies or freshly squeezed juice sans yogurt? >Juice for me.< 

***Single Ladies or Girlfriends? (for those who may not know, both are television shows about 30- something year old women with different personalities, dealing with various life experiences). Girlfriends, hands down for me. I miss that show. I loved seeing what Joan would wear! But more than the wardrobe, the show actually had some thought-provoking story lines, good acting, and great chemistry between the cast. Single Ladies...hmmm. no comment. ;-)

***Candles or air fresheners? I'm a sucker for a deliciously scented candle. I'm loving the Indigo brand candles at Whole Foods these days. I go through my "scent phases." For about 3 to 6 months I really like a particular scent, then I don't want to smell it again for a while. I'm over orange, citrus aromas at the moment. ;-)

***Bali or Australia? Hmmmm. Both are on my Bucketlist. Yet, if I had to choose, Bali all the way! Bali, I'm coming to visit you one day. :-)

***A day sailing the ocean or laying on the golden sand watching the sun glisten off the deep, blue sea. :-) I dig both! hmmm. It would depend on the beach and where I'm sailing.

***Paintings or photographs? I love art. However, a photo can be priceless! :-)
***E-readers or books? I prefer a good, ol' fashioned book. However, when I used to ride the subways everyday, it would have been nice to carry a Nook or something, instead of lugging around heavy books and magazines. :-)

***Curtains or blinds? Depends on the room... hmmm

***Lastly, kickboxing or Zumba? Kickboxing all the way! It relieves stress, burns calories and teaches you a little self-defense. Gotta love it! ;-)

Your turn.

Sending goblets of goodness your way. Tag you're it!

Friday, June 10, 2011

I keep forgetting....;-)

Hi and welcome to Friday!!! (almost). This posting will be brief. I believe every day we receive lessons, some big, some little. I know somedays I am not open to receive "my lesson." Yet, those days when I am, it's like gaining a little more clarity. :-)

Today, I was reminded that repetition is the key to life. Yes, repeat, repeat, and repeat again. I actually forgot that I must do things more than once to find my groove, build some stamina, and make whatever I'm doing become a habit and a part of my life.

Repetition creates strength in what you are aiming to make a part of your life. You can even overcome a not-so-good habit by repeating a really great one over and over and over. It's not about stopping, it's about starting and being consistent on a very regular basis.

So, here's to keeping on. As Dory said in the movie Finding Nemo, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming." :-) You can do it, and so can I!

Sending endurance your way! Tag you're it!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A pic and some thoughts...;-)

Hi out there! It's so funny. Now that I've moved, I feel like I'm extra far away. :-) It's June and it's hot! If I could I'd be on a beach every other day. Something about the big, blue ocean that just warms my soul. The sound of the waves, the depth of the sea, the soft, golden sand--if you're lucky! :-)

As I make myself at home here in the ATL, each week I'm discovering little differences between the big city and the quaint south. Even though I grew up in Georgia, so much is foreign to me now, since I left 20 years ago. (Plus, I didn't live in this particular southern city).One major observation is that customer service--so far-- rocks here. It's so refreshing to ask for help in Whole Foods or Target or wherever and be given wholehearted assistance. Not only have the salespeople I've come across in my mere 3.5 weeks here been helpful, they've also been pretty darn cheerful, upbeat and friendly. Upon walking into Bed, Bath & Beyond, about 3 sales folks offered a chipper "hi, how are ya?" Wow. You can't help but smile. It seems so natural.  Not to say in my fun~loving, fantastic years in NYC that I never got a happy "hello" or a warm welcome into a store--once in a while. However, the vibe is a tad different down here. And I think I get what it is. Many folks here seem to be really content with their work/job/gig in life. It doesn't seem to be based on a fancy title or big corner office or anything superficial. From the guy cutting and wrapping up the fish behind the counter at Whole Foods (which I am in love with the Whole Foods here--no line EVER!!!! and some really funky music playing over the sound system) lol, to the furniture store owner who simply loves living in Atlanta and helping customers find a sweet deal in her shop. It's a nice feeling.
It makes sense when you really think about it....Life down here is a little slower. No hustle and no crazy bustle. In fact, I'm still adjusting to walking slower. Stores close earlier. Folks seem to have a real home/family-life balance. Work is work, but family life or whatever it is that one values outside of work is really important too. In fact, even more.
Am I totally settled in yet? Not quite. This gal on the go is still getting the hang of things. I am grateful to have lived in a few different places in my journey thus far. Spices life up a bit! ;-)
In the meantime, I'm embracing being an essential part of a team. That team being marriage. Creating plans together, learning new things together, taking on new challenges together with a terrific partner. May the adventure get better and sweeter as each new day begins!

Sending boatloads of love/laughter/light your way! Tag you're it!