I've really felt caught up in the commotion of running here and there, scheduling this and that, packing, reminiscing, letting go, rearranging, donating, creating, being inspired, being exhausted, going, going, and going. For a minute, I was forgetting to take time and breathe and relish in what an incredibly precious time this is in my life. It can become quite challenging to remember the sweetness of it all, with never-ending details, preparing, designing, choosing, etc. It's work!:-) It's take effort, prayer and support.
Someone recently described a wedding --in the bride's perspective-- as directing and starring in a Broadway play and hoping opening night goes off awesomely, because you only have opening night. When she said this to me, I was like bingo!!! That is exactly how I feel! :-)
Today, as I was on my way to yet another appointment, feeling like I was in a marathon, breezing through emails as I wait for the train to move, I receive an email from our new landlord. I quickly read the email and notice the kindest thing at the closing, an unsolicited good wish for our wedding & marriage. Wow! Right then, in that moment, I was forced to pause. Stop, breathe, take it all in. This time, this love, this change in my journey that is happening every second that I exist. Yes, people do this every day--this marriage thing. I know. However, that doesn't make it any less wonderful to me. In the last week, I was becoming a little stressed and a lot tired. But, like always, God is always on time with a little nudge to remind me of what is really going on. Just that simple, yet thoughtful sentence from someone I don't even know, moved me. It pulled me back into gratefulness for my life and this time right now.
So, I'm breathing.. again. Ahhhhh. Yes. And I'm excited too. I am really ready to celebrate the beginning of my next chapter!!!! Goodness, light, love and laughter keep on flowing in. I welcome it all.
Sending light your way. Tag you're it!