Happy Tuesday! Vote day. Make a difference day. Be heard day. It was quite chilly today in NYC. Reminds me of Red Foxx singing on
Sanford and Son "la di di, la di dah, tis autumn!" :-)

I've been thinking a lot about my year so far. Usually as the end of a year nears, I begin to ponder about what I may have learned or what experiences really made an impact on me (big or small). I came across a text I had sent to my dear one on March 1st of this year that stated "I want to feel useful, appreciated, make a difference and have resources to live how I want to. Traveling, learning, creating. Constant selflove & mental peace." It's not odd that I'd have a text message from 8 months ago. I often save text messages, emails, or voicemails I want to refer to later or remember. So I began to think about how my year slowly began to unfold after sending that message. Bits of goodness began to ooze into my realm. One of the first things was actively starting this blog. I had thought about blogging for maybe a year, however, I was not confident enough to go for it. Then, I began reading a good friend's blog and mentioned to her that I loved what she wrote about almost every day. She responded by encouraging me to begin blogging too. Of course, I didn't immediately..but very soon after I sent that text.
The next thing I recall that was significant in my world was attending Oprah's Live Your Best Life Weekend. The truth is I'd been trying to go to one of these weekends for about 8 years. Each year Oprah has this special weekend in a different city. But this year was extra special because it was the 10th year anniversary of O magazine and Oprah was actually going to be part of the weekend (she was not always present at the past LYBL weekends). And to make things even sweeter, this year the LYBL weekend was held in NYC. This was the universe's sign to me that it was my turn to go. So, I went online as soon as tickets went on sale and made it happen. It was worth every penny of the registration. I had an amazing time. I learned more about myself, I attended a gala event with Oprah, I met Dr. Oz, raised money for a great cause, and I made a good, new friend. Actually 3 new friends. :-) Not only that, but I also got a free ticket to see Maxwell in concert as a result of simply being my silly self and chatting with another LYBL attendee as we sat in Radio City Music Hall waiting for Ms. Winfrey to come on stage. Basically, my "new" LYBL friend (who lives in St. Louis) had purchased tickets to the Maxwell concert in NYC and could not attend so she mailed the tickets to me and my friend, because in her words, she thought we were wonderful women who'd really enjoy the concert. WOW! I mean
really. This was proof, for me, that what we deeply desire
can (and most times does) become reality.
I'm sure you may be thinking
ok, so you got free Maxwell tickets. Whoopee doo! However, so many other little, beautiful things have been happening to me like this throughout the year.
Even blessings as small as constantly getting a free entry to the Path train, out of the blue at least 10 times this year. What is this? It is the power to use your mind and intention to receive what you deeply, deeply, deeply desire.(
I say deeply 3 times because it'
s not just something you kinda/
maybe want) I see it as building muscles. First you train and you can do 50 situps, and you're so proud, then you train some more and you are doing 100 in the same amount of time. It's awesome! The point is, the Maxwell ticket is my 50 situps, but eventually I'll be doing 100 sit-ups and the sky's the limit for what dream that will bring to life. Also, I had no idea
how any of the things I needed or deeply desired in the last 8 months were going to come about, I just had the thought and let it go. Perhaps like asking and then believing it shall be done and not dwelling on the details of how it shall be. :-) Just having faith that if it's for my good, it will come to me. It's even more fun when you start seeing little things happen that you deeply desire and/or need. I really try to stay aware and pay attention to all the things occurring so that I can always be grateful.:-)
My experiences this year have taught me that there is truth in the law of attraction and that my mind is my most powerful resource and tool. The challenge is understanding this and assessing that power and directing it in the best way possible, in order to live my best life ever. It's a daily exercise in learning, being open, and evolving.
We have the power to be who we deeply desire to be. We must never give up on ourselves or our dreams. We are here to manifest our truest selves and to be lights in this world. As Mandela said, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. So shine. Believe. Receive your good. Once you deeply, truly believe it, if it's for your best interest, it will be yours!
Meditate on this:
I believe that you're great, that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, there's something that is within you, there's power within you, that's greater than the world. It will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you. It will clothe you. It will guide you, protect you, sustain your very existence, if you let it. ~Michael Beckwith
Sending light your way. Tag you're it!